Page 69 - MIN.TTC SEPT 3,2015
P. 69

THREE OF ARUBA’S TOP                                           LOYAL ISLAND GUESTS

                            CHEFS VIE FOR COVETED                                          HONORED BY ARUBA

                            IRON CHEF ARUBA TITLE                                          TOURISM AUTHORITY

                            Page 13                                                        Pages 15-16

On Top Of The News website: Tel:+297 582-7800 Thursday, September 3, 2015

The Deal

Obama Gets Iran Deal Win as Democrats Clinch Votes 

President Barack Obama speaks at the Dena’ina Civic and Convention Center in Anchorage, Alaska. Senate Democrats have rallied the 34 votes they need to keep
the Iran nuclear deal alive in Congress, handing President Barack Obama a major foreign policy victory. Sen. Barbara Mikulski, D-Md., became the crucial 34th vote
Wednesday, declaring the agreement is the best way to curb Iran’s nuclear ambitions.

                                                                                                                                                                                                        (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

ERICA WERNER                cious opposition from Re-     cans pass such a measure         The agreement signed           to wreak havoc throughout
MATTHEW LEE                 publicans and Israel’s gov-   later this month.                by Iran, the  U.S. and five    the Middle East.
Associated Press            ernment. The backing from     And it spells failure for op-    other world powers limits      Prime Minister Benjamin Ne-
WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi-    Democratic Sen. Barbara       ponents of the internation-      Iran’s nuclear program in      tanyahu, who had person-
dent Barack Obama se-       Mikulski gives supporters of  al agreement who sought          exchange for hundreds of       ally lobbied U.S. lawmakers
cured a landmark foreign    the agreement the crucial     to foil it by turning Congress   billions of dollars in relief  to block the nuclear pact,
policy victory Wednesday    34th vote in the 100-mem-     against it. Leading that ef-     from international sanc-       will continue fighting the
as Democrats amassed        ber chamber they need to      fort were Israel and its allies  tions. Republicans and Is-     agreement, an Israeli offi-
enough votes to ensure the  uphold an Obama veto of       in the U.S., who failed to get   raeli officials contend that   cial said.
Iran nuclear deal survives  a congressional resolution    traction after spending mil-     concessions made to Iran
in Congress, despite fero-  of disapproval if Republi-    lions of dollars trying.         could enable the country            Continued on page 2
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