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Friday 22 July 2022 locAl
Net domestic assets decreased
Summary of the Monthly Bulletin of May 2022
In May 2022, money supply crease in nontax revenue
contracted by Afl. 43.5 mil- Inflation (-Afl. 7.7 million).
lion to Afl. 5,378.9 million, The consumer price index
compared to April 2022, (CPI) for May 2022 noted The growth in tax revenue
resulting from a decrease a 5.2 percent rise year- was driven by expansion
in net domestic assets (-Afl. over-year (YOY) compared in income from profit tax
80.0 million) and an in- to a 4.7 percent increase (+Afl. 47.9 million), turnover
crease in net foreign assets (YOY) for April 2022. The tax (B.B.O./B.A.V.P.) (+Afl.
(+Afl. 36.4 million). main contributor to this in- 5.1 million), and wage tax
crease was the “Transport” (+Afl. 2.7 million).
The contraction in the do- component. The 12-month
mestic component of the sector (-Afl. 6.9 million). The average inflation rate was Tourism
money supply was caused decline in net claims of the In May 2022, the expansion 3.0 percent in May 2022, The number of stay-over
by a decrease in domestic banking sector on the pub- in net foreign assets of the compared to 2.6 percent visitors amounted to 91,403
credit (-Afl. 103.8 million), lic sector was the result of banking sector was due to in April 2022. in May 2022, which is 20,720
and an increase in non- a growth in government net purchases of foreign ex- visitors (+29.3 percent)
credit-related balance deposits (+Afl. 97.0 million). change of Afl. 293.2 million Government more than in May 2021. The
sheet items (+Afl. 23.9 mil- The decrease in claims of from the public, mostly re- Total government revenue North American market,
lion). The reduction in do- the banking sector on the lated to foreign exchange amounted to Afl. 159.0 mil- the Latin American market,
mestic credit was caused private sector was caused revenue from tourism ex- lion in May 2022, Afl. 50.9 and the European market
by a turn from net claims to by lower loans to enter- ports. These were largely million more than the same increased by 11,276 visitors
net liabilities of the banking prises (-Afl. 5.4 million) and offset by net sales of for- month of the previous year. (+17.9 percent), 5,302 visi-
sector to the public sec- consumer credit (-Afl. 4.3 eign exchange of Afl. 256.8 The rise in government rev- tors (+299.2 percent), and
tor (-Afl. 96.9 million), and million), and an increase in million to the public, mainly enue resulted from an in- 4,523 visitors (+148.1 per-
lower claims of the bank- housing mortgages (+Afl. associated with payments crease in tax revenue (+Afl. cent), respectively.q
ing sector on the private 2.9 million). for goods imports. 58.6 million) and a de-
Can I have a …, please?
ORANJESTAD — Want to taste deliciously. Or perhaps you might
something different for a want to try a croquette, a crusty
change?? How about a differ- little meat ball. A dedito is also a
ent breakfast from what you are good option, it’s a stick made out
used to at your hotel. Hop in your of cheese or hotdog. If you want
car, drive around and anywhere to try something more familiar go
around the island you will come for a homemade hamburger or a
across a local snack shop. ham and cheese toast, but with a
local touch. All these snacks are
Here you will find all types of ridiculously addictive. Freshen up
snacks loved by the locals. Try a with a delicious fruit shake (ba-
pastechi, a Caribbean pastry filled tido) made out of watermelon,
with cheese or meat and fried up strawberry, banana, papaya or
just mix any fruit together. What its people and with the smile you
makes these little snack shops are being served.q
more attractive is the warmth of