Page 40 - KPA 9 MAART 2016
P. 40

                                                                                                                                    Wednesday 9 March 2016

Police shootings of blacks influence crime fiction genre 

BY HILLEL ITALIE                 This Feb. 17, 2016 photo shows author Trudy Nan Boyce, a retired Atlanta Police Department                                         “The old days of the PI
AP National Writer               officer, posing for a portrait in Atlanta, to promote her debut novel, “Out of the Blues.” Boyce is                                with just a file and an ad-
NEW YORK (AP) — In “Un-          currently working on a new book about the murder of students at Spelman College, a promi-                                          dress and a sexy secretary
derground Airlines,” an up-      nent black liberal arts school in Atlanta, and the protests that follow when the suspects are not                                  are long dead,” said the
coming novel by Ben Win-         identified. She says the currently untitled novel was inspired in part by the shooting of Michael                                  60-year-old author. “Back
ters, a black bounty hunter      Brown in Ferguson, Missouri.                                                                                                       in the 1980s and ‘90s writers
rides through a poor neigh-                                                                                                                                         like me and Walter Mosley
borhood in Indianapolis                                                                                                                           Associated Press  and Paula Woods pushed
alongside a white police-                                                                                                                                           the envelope forward and
man.                              This book cover image re-             This book cover image re-            at her as he tells her not to                          looked at different issues. I
“As we crossed Broad Rip-         leased by Grand Central Pub-          leased by Putnam shows,              advance any further.                                   think the younger folks will
ple Avenue,” Winters writes,      lishing shows “The Last Mile,”        “Out of the Blues,” by Trudy         “Myrna Landers had seen                                do even better pushing it
“we passed a small knot of        an upcoming book by David             Nan Boyce.                           that look many times,”                                 forward more. You have
black kids, laughing and          Baldacci.                                                                  Penny writes. “When                                    writers in this field who are
walking together on the                                                                    Associated Press  stopped for traffic tickets.                           going to be able to use
narrow sidewalk; one of                              Associated Press                                        While walking in civil rights                          things like Ferguson and
them, a short kid pushing a                                            some kind of understand-              marches through Montreal.                              what’s happening on col-
bike, wore a hoodie pulled       “The Last Mile,” scheduled            ing about how the system              She’d seen it in reports of                            lege campuses.”
low over his eyes. Cook          for April, tells of a black man       works, that his own sense             riots and police shootings.
slowed down and gave a           on death row and the likeli-          of law and justice is never           She’d seen it in color and                             “Everyone knows of Walter
blurp of the siren, gestured     hood he was wrongly con-              going to work for him,” says          in black and white. In re-                             Mosley, and there have
at the kid to make sure his      victed. Mosley, best known            Mosley, who is calling the            cent news reports and in                               been other excellent black
face was showing. I caught       for “Devil in the Blue Dress”         novel “Detective, Heal Thy-           old newsreels. And archival                            crime writers published in
the kid in the mirror with his   and other novels featuring            self.”                                photographs. Of the deep                               recent years, such as Paula
middle finger aloft, a minia-    the black detective Easy                                                    South. And the enlightened                             Woods,” says Mark Tavani,
ture of impotent rage fro-       Rawlins, says he has been             Louise Penny’s “The Great             North.”                                                vice president and execu-
zen in the side-view as we       working on a  book  about             Reckoning,” coming out in             But crime fiction is no                                tive editor of G.P. Putnam’s
drove away.”                     a former New York City po-            August, focuses on a cor-             more diverse than much                                 Sons. “But in my experience
                                 liceman investigating the             rupt police academy in                of the  book  world and,                               these writers are a small
Winters could imagine the        shooting of two officers by           Quebec and how trainees               at least in the near future,                           percentage of those I see.
scene simply by follow-          a black man and learning              absorb a hostile mentality            many narratives that take                              As the larger discussion
ing the news. The wave of        that the officers had tried           toward non-whites. In one             on race will likely come                               about race and justice en-
police killings that helped      to kill the man first.                passage, a white cadet                from white authors such                                gages more people, I can
launch the Black Lives Mat-      “In the end he realizes               confronts a black woman,              as Baldacci, Winters and                               see that changing.”
ter movement is also influ-      that he has to come to                Myrna Landers, and glares             Trudy Nan Boyce. Kendall                               Boyce is a former Atlanta
encing a genre that cap-                                                                                     is trying to change that. He                           police officer whose debut
tured tensions between                                                                                       has agreed to a multibook                              novel, “Out of the Blues,”
police and non-white com-                                                                                    deal with Attica Locke and                             came out last month. She
munities well before the rise                                                                                says he is looking to sign up                          said she is currently working
of social media and cell-                                                                                    other black writers.                                   on a  book  about the mur-
phone videos. Publishers                                                                                     Phillips, who set his 1994                             der of students at Spelman
and writers say that story                                                                                   novel “Violent Spring” in                              College, a prominent black
lines known to readers of                                                                                    the aftermath of the Los                               liberal arts school in Atlan-
Gary Phillips or Walter Mos-                                                                                 Angeles police beating of                              ta, and the protests that fol-
ley or Eleanor Taylor Bland                                                                                  Rodney King, said he was                               low when the suspects are
will likely become more                                                                                      hoping that such younger                               not identified. Boyce add-
common and intense.                                                                                          authors as Aaron Philip                                ed that the new novel, cur-
“When you’re writing                                                                                         Clark and Desiree Zamora-                              rently untitled, was inspired
a book, you’re not in an iso-                                                                                no would tell stories reflect-                         in part by the shooting of
lation chamber,” said Win-                                                                                   ing more recent events.                                Michael Brown in Ferguson,
ters, who in “Underground                                                                                                                                           Missouri.
Airlines” depicts slavery still                                                                                                                                     “As in many cases where
being legal in the U.S.                                                                                                                                             there’s a violent confron-
“This particular issue has                                                                                                                                          tation between the police
long and faithfully been                                                                                                                                            and citizens, that incident
represented in crime fic-                                                                                                                                           did not begin with the en-
tion,” said Joshua Kend-                                                                                                                                            counter between the offi-
all, editor-in-chief of the                                                                                                                                         cer (Darren Wilson) and Mr.
crime fiction imprint Mulhol-                                                                                                                                       Brown. That incident had its
land  Books, Winters’ pub-                                                                                                                                          roots in the systemic racism
lisher. “It’s simply that much                                                                                                                                      and the legacy of slavery
of the fiction has been                                                                                                                                             that survives today,” she
overlooked, just as the ac-                                                                                                                                         said.
tual rate of abuse over-                                                                                                                                            “So the next novel I have
looked by media until now.                                                                                                                                          written has an even stron-
That said, we need and                                                                                                                                              ger thread exploring some
want more fiction about it.                                                                                                                                         of the issues between the
The curiosity, concern and                                                                                                                                          police in Atlanta and citi-
appetite seem to have fi-                                                                                                                                           zens who are confronting a
nally grown.”                                                                                                                                                       justice system that they do
David Baldacci’s novel                                                                                                                                              not trust.”q
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