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Wednesday 20 november 2019
Open-air movie night at Aruba’s National Park
ST. CRUZ – Fundacion Parke FPNA had movie nights in
Nacional Aruba (FPNA) their program on a regular
meaning Foundation Na- basis this year and Satur-
tional Park Aruba organizes day will be the last edition
an open-air movie night to of 2019. This is your chance
create awareness and to to connect with nature and
educate the public about gain knowledge about na- the climate chance on from the place they were and there is also opportuni-
nature. This night is also a ture. At 7:30PM two epi- the different species world- born to the place where ty to buy drinks and snacks.
night to enjoy and experi- sodes of the documentary wide and the pressure this they lay their eggs.
ence watching a movie ‘Nature’s Great Events’ will causes for them to survive. For more information
under a sky full of stars. You be shown. The BBC docu- The second episode is FNPA invites the commu- please call +297 585- 1234
are invited to join the fun mentary will show ‘The called ‘The Great Salmon nity to join and enjoy this or visit the Facebook;
this Saturday, November Great Melt’ in the first epi- Run’ and focusses on the evening in nature about https://www.facebook.
23rd. sode about the impact of road of the salmon to get nature. The entrance is free com/arikoknationalpark. q
ORANJESTAD — Aruba Today gives you the opportunity to
express your gratitude to your blessings. Send us a small
Thanksgiving message (maximum 10 words) with/without
picture and we will publish it in our edition on Thanksgiv-
ing Day, November 22nd. Please email to: news@aruba- Thank you for supporting our free newspaper,
we strive to make you a happy reader every day.
Please do note: By submitting photos, text or any other
materials, you give permission to The Aruba Today News-
paper, Caribbean Speed Printers and any of its affiliated
companies to use said materials, as well as names, like-
ness, etc. for promotional purposes without compensa-
What Is It About?
Thanksgiving 2019 is on Thursday November 28th, the day
before Black Friday. Thanksgiving Day traditionally kicks
off the 'holiday season' in the United States. The day was
set in stone by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1939 and
approved by Congress in 1941. FDR changed it from
Abraham Lincoln's designation as the last Thursday in No-
vember (because there are sometimes five Thursdays in
the month).
Many Americans think it of it as just as important as Christ-
mas. In fact, more people in the US celebrate Thanksgiv-
ing than they do Christmas. Thanksgiving Day is a secu-
lar holiday in a country that officially separates church
and state so this probably makes sense. Thanksgiving can
be traced back to 1621 where refugees from England,
known as Pilgrims, invited the local Native Americans to a
harvest feast after they experienced a successful season
of produce growth. But it wasn’t just the economic drive
that allowed the Pilgrims to prosper. It was their devotion
to God and His laws. And that’s what Thanksgiving is re-
ally all about. The Pilgrims recognized that everything we
have is a gift from God – even our sorrows. Their Thanks-
giving tradition was established to honor God and thank
Him for His blessings and His grace.q