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             Wednesday 16 november 2022

            Biden-Xi summit: What Biden wants, what Xi wants

            Continued from Front                                                                                                it as the more children you
                                                                                                                                have,  the  more  benefits.
            “We  are  already  over-                                                                                            And you are actually over-
            stretching  what  we  have                                                                                          taking your peers who can-
            —  the  housing,  roads,  the                                                                                       not have as many children.
            hospitals,  schools.  Every-                                                                                        It looks like a competition in
            thing is overstretched,” said                                                                                       villages.”
            Gyang  Dalyop,  an  urban                                                                                           Politics also have played a
            planning   and    develop-                                                                                          role in Tanzania, where for-
            ment consultant in Nigeria.                                                                                         mer  President  John  Magu-
            The  U.N.’s  Day  of  8  Billion                                                                                    fuli, who ruled the East Afri-
            milestone  Tuesday  is  more                                                                                        can country from 2015 until
            symbolic  than  precise,  of-                                                                                       his  death  in  2021,  discour-
            ficials  are  careful  to  note                                                                                     aged  birth  control,  saying
            in  a  wide-ranging  report                                                                                         that a large population was
            released  over  the  summer                                                                                         good for the economy.
            that  makes  some  stagger-                                                                                         He  opposed  family  plan-
            ing projections.                                                                                                    ning  programs  promoted
            The  upward  trend  threat-                                                                                         by outside groups, and in a
            ens  to  leave  even  more                                                                                          2019 speech urged women
            people     in   developing                                                                                          not  to  “block  ovaries.”  He
            countries  further  behind,                                                                                         even  described  users  of
            as governments struggle to                                                                                          contraceptives  as  “lazy”
            provide enough classrooms                                                                                           in  a  country  he  said  was
            and jobs for a rapidly grow-                                                                                        awash  with  cheap  food.
            ing  number  of  youth,  and                                                                                        Under    Magufuli,   preg-
            food  insecurity  becomes                                                                                           nant schoolgirls were even
            an even more urgent prob-                                                                                           banned  from  returning  to
            lem.                                                                                                                classrooms.
            Nigeria  is  among  eight                                                                                           But his successor, Samia Su-
            countries  the  U.N  says  will                                                                                     luhu  Hassan,  appeared  to
            account  for  more  than                                                                                            reverse government policy
            half  the  world’s  popula-                                                                                         in  comments  last  month
            tion  growth  between  now                                                                                          when she said birth control
            and 2050 — along with fel-   People enjoy the Ipanema beach, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Sunday, Nov.13, 2022.       was necessary in order not
                                                                                                               Associated Press
            low African nations Congo,                                                                                          to overwhelm the country’s
            Ethiopia and Tanzania.       Kyungu,  a  Kinshasa  truck  “Global  evidence  shows  the children born last year  public infrastructure.
            “The  population  in  many  driver who has six children.  that  a  small  portion  of  the  to mothers under 20 world-  Even  as  populations  soar
            countries in sub-Saharan Af-  “Two  studied  while  others  world’s people use most of  wide  were  in  sub-Saharan  in some countries, the U.N.
            rica is projected to double  waited because of money.  the  Earth’s  resources  and  Africa.                        says rates are expected to
            between  2022  and  2050,  If I didn’t have so many chil-  produce most of its green-  Still,  any  effort  to  reduce  drop  by  1%  or  more  in  61
            putting  additional  pres-   dren, they would have fin-   house  gas  emissions,”  said  family  size  now  would  nations.
            sure  on  already  strained  ished their studies on time.”  Poonam  Muttreja,  execu-  come  too  late  to  signifi-  The U.N. report put the cur-
            resources  and  challenging  Rapid  population  growth  tive  director  of  the  Popu-  cantly slow the 2050 growth  rent  U.S  population  at  337
            policies  aimed  to  reduce  also  means  more  people  lation  Foundation  of  India.  projections,  the  U.N.  said.  million,  reaching  375  mil-
            poverty  and  inequalities,”  vying  for  scarce  water  re-  “Over  the  past  25  years,  About  two-thirds  of  it  “will  lion in 2050. The population
            the U.N. report said.        sources  and  leaves  more  the richest 10% of the glob-  be  driven  by  the  momen-  growth rate in 2021 was just
            It  projected  the  world’s  families  facing  hunger  as  al population has been re-  tum of past growth.”         0.1%,  the  lowest  since  the
            population     will   reach  climate  change  increas-    sponsible for more than half  “Such growth would occur  country was founded.
            around  8.5  billion  in  2030,  ingly impacts crop produc-  of all carbon emissions.”  even  if  childbearing  in  to-  “Going forward, we’re go-
            9.7  billion  in  2050  and  10.4  tion  in  many  parts  of  the  According to the U.N., the  day’s high-fertility countries  ing  to  have  slower  growth
            billion in 2100.             world.                       population  in  sub-Saharan  were to fall immediately to  —  the  question  is,  how
            Other  countries  rounding  “There  is  also  a  greater  Africa  is  growing  at  2.5%  around two births per wom-  slow?”  said  William  Frey,  a
            out  the  list  with  the  fastest  pressure  on  the  environ-  per  year  —  more  than  an,” the report found.   demographer at the Brook-
            growing  populations  are  ment,  increasing  the  chal-  three  times  the  global  av-  There  are  also  important  ings Institution.
            Egypt,  Pakistan,  the  Philip-  lenges to food security that  erage.  Some  of  that  can  cultural  reasons  for  large  “The real wild card for the
            pines  and  India,  which  is  is  also  compounded  by  be attributed to people liv-  families. In sub-Saharan Af-  U.S. and many other devel-
            set  to  overtake  China  as  climate  change,”  said  Dr.  ing  longer,  but  family  size  rica, children are seen as a  oped  countries  is  immigra-
            the  world’s  most  populous  Srinath  Reddy,  president  remains  the  driving  factor.  blessing and as a source of  tion.”
            nation next year.            of  the  Public  Health  Foun-  Women in sub-Saharan Af-  support  for  their  elders  —  Charles Kenny, a senior fel-
            In  Congo’s  capital,  Kin-  dation of India. “Reducing  rica  on  average  have  4.6  the more sons and daugh-     low at the Center for Glob-
            shasa, where more than 12  inequality while focusing on  births,  twice  the  current  ters, the greater comfort in  al  Development  in  Wash-
            million  people  live,  many  adapting  and  mitigating  global average of 2.3.        retirement.                  ington,  says  environmental
            families  struggle  to  find  af-  climate change should be  Families  become  larger  Still,   some   large   fami-  concerns surrounding the 8
            fordable  housing  and  pay  where  our  policy  makers’  when  women  start  having  lies  “may  not  have  what  billion mark should focus on
            school fees. While elemen-   focus should be.”            children early, and 4 out of  it  takes  to  actually  feed  consumption,  particularly
            tary  pupils  attend  for  free,  Still, experts say the bigger  10  girls  in  Africa  marry  be-  them,”  says  Eunice  Azimi,  in developed countries.
            older  children’s  chances  threat to the environment is  fore  they  turn  18,  accord-  an  insurance  broker  in  La-  “Population  is  not  the
            depend  on  their  parents’  consumption, which is high-  ing to U.N. figures. The rate  gos and mother of three.   problem, the way we con-
            incomes.                     est in developed countries  of  teen  pregnancy  on  the  “In Nigeria, we believe that  sume is the problem — let’s
            “My  children  took  turns”  not  undergoing  big  popu-  continent  is  the  highest  in  it  is  God  that  gives  chil-  change  our  consumption
            going  to  school,  said  Luc  lation increases.          the  world  —  about  half  of  dren,”  she  said.  “They  see  patterns,” he said.q
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