Page 14 - MIN ON 31 JULY 2015
P. 14
Colegio San Antonio’s
PROJECT is progressing
ALL those that pass by Colegio San Antonio The school will be expanded since it’s a MAVO
can see how fast the job is advancing. that has more than 500 students attending.
“It is absolutely incredible how the renovation Besides all of these main projects they will
process is going.” Minister Michelle build a parking lot, and brick pavements
Hooyboer-Winklaar said. inside and outside of the school grounds.
The companies involved with renovating To be able to fulfill all the security
Colegio San Antonio are Bohama N.V. and requirements a new fence will be build
DOW. around the school.
They are both doing a fantastic job and
everything is going as planned and is on “The Sta. Cruz neighborhood will receive
schedule. a beautiful school, which contains
everything students need to study in the
The plan is that Colegio San Antonio will best environment possible. The plan is that
receive a completely new gymnasium, a the Colegio San Antonio building will be
few new classrooms will be constructed, completely renovated by April new year.
classrooms to be taught in and for Minister Michelle Hooyboer-Winklaar
pragmatically lessons. concluded.
ARUBA TRAVELLER - Friday, July 31 2015 9LOCAL