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Saturday 10 June 2017
The Blazing 7’s Mini Slot Tournament at The Casino at The Ritz-Carlton
Gave Away Various Attractive Prizes to its Participants
PALM BEACH –The lucra- ond place took home
tive Blazing 7’s tournament $1,500 CASH.
was held on Wednesday, And the third-to-tenth priz-
May 31 at The Casino at es were slot credits gifted
the Ritz-Carlton. Starting at in the amounts of $1250,
9pm qualifying members $1000, $700, $500, $350,
competed for a chance $250, $150 and $77.
to take part in the finals The Casino at the Ritz-Carl-
and win 1 of 10 total prizes. ton would like to thank all
Those who did not qualify of our loyal casino mem-
also had an opportunity to bers for participating and
buy-in, making this a successful
thus making sure that ev- evening.
eryone who wished to par- We would like to remind our
ticipate in the tournament members to keep playing
was able to do so. at Aruba’s Most Rewarding
The theme for the mini slot Casino in order to accumu-
tournament was “777,” with late points for a chance to
a total prize pool of $7,777. be 1 of the Lucky 10 Win-
The first prize winner re- ners of a trip to Ritz-Carlton
ceived $2,000 CASH, sec- San Juan!q