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AWEMainta Diamars, 10 November 2015                                                                                                                            29

ANOCHI di informacion pa mayornan di studiantenan di semester 1 y semester 3 di Unidad Ciencia y Tecnologia na Colegio EPI, ta diahuebs

12 di november 2015
Unidad Ciencia y Tecnologia di Colegio EPI ta invita mayornan di nan studiantenan den semester 1 y semester 3 pa un anochi di informacion cu
lo tuma lugar diahuebs 12 di november 2015 desde 6:30 p.m. pa 8:30 p.m. na Unidad Ciencia y Tecnologia, gebouw K.

Durante e anochi di informacion aki lo entrega e raport di e studiantenan y ta duna e
mayornan e oportunidad pa papia cu e mentor tocante e resultado di nan yiu.
Managementteam di Unidad Ciencia y Tecnologia ta suplica e mayornan pa haci uso
di e oportunidad aki p’asina pone nan mes na haltura di e progreso di nan yiu y ta
conseha nan pa bin hunto cu e yiu.

 n’ tin falta di nada          To my beloved father; you left me beautiful memories, your               “Señor ta mi wardador, mi n’ tin falta di nada
e ta pone mi sosega.          love is still my guide, and all though we cannot see you, youre         Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta pone mi sosega.
wa trankil,                   always in my heart and at my side. You may be gone but not
 a forsa”.                                                                                                         E ta hiba mi na awa trankil,
3                                                             forgotten.                                             Pa mi bolbe haya forsa”.
azon, pero conforme cu e                                    Love always,                                                      Salmo: 23
ncia fayecimento di:
                                                                Kijano                                           Cu honda pena nos ta anuncia
                              It is with our deepest sorrow that we inform you of the death                    fayecimento di nos ruman stima:

                                               of our beloved father and brother

                                                                                                               Diana Sixta Kock

                                                                                                            Mohor conoci como: “Dana of Danchi”
                                                                                                                   *30-12-1950 †07-11-2015

                                                                                               Na nomber di su:
                                                                                               Mama:             †Teolinda Kock-Penja

                                                                                               Tata: †Elias Kock

thony Croes                           Wendell Andre Francis                                    Rumannan:         Elias (Eli) y Maria Kock-Loefstok
                                                                                                                 †Rigio (Riri) y Astrid Kock-Simon
  o:”Reggy”                                 *January 1, 1952 - †November 3, 2015                                 Linda y Vio Wester-Kock
 4-11-2015                    Left to mourn are his:
                              Loving daughter and son in law: Lee Hebler-Francis and Alex      Subrinonan:       Elimar Kock, Arlynne y yiu
 ne Lacle-Dirksz y famia      Hebler                                                                             †Ryan Kock y yiunan
mia                           Loving son: Kijano Wendell Francis                                                 Gilward, Mar-Luisette y yiunan
 y famia                      Brothers and sisters in law:
hong Yee y                    Anthony Francis and Yvonne                                       Subrinanan:       Ryanne Kock y Eunice na Hulanda
ersey                         William Francis and Pamela                                                         Gianeli Kock y yiunan
n Costa y famia na Thailand   Wayne Francis                                                                      Giliane Wester y Denny
 ba                           Waybraun Francis
                              Nieces and nephews in Trinidad                                   Omo:              Alberto (Beto) Penja y famia
  y famia                     Mother of his son: Zahviera Margarita and partner Giovanni
  jders y famia               Family: Anna Martinez, Ernesto Margarita, Yolanda and Chico      Primo y primanan, bisiñanan y conocirnan di Macuarima y Sta.
 n Wong Cha                   Faro and children, Regia Margarita, Sophia Severing and          Cruz, enfermera/o nan di San Pedro Paviljoen afdeling Reseda
 z y famia                    family, Hildo Margarita, Basilia                                 cu a trate cu hopi amor
Heriquez-Evertsz y famia      Closest friend: James y Claire Chance, Bernard Simon, and his
  Henriquez-Hernandez         best friend in Aruba Rudolf Cortes-Ras, Tim Gomez and family,    Demas famia: Penja, Kock, Loefstok, Simon, Wester, Rojer,
                              Haime and Mariela Jones and all his college’s from Divi Village  Krozendijk, Luidens, Croes, Bremo, Martinus, Goeloe, De Kort,
 ongen-Croes y famia          Sales Department.                                                Vrolijk, Dabian, Vallejos, Rudl, Boekhoudt, Peterson, Willems,
 oes-Martis y famia           Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend a       Albertsz, Thijsen, Wouters, Koolman, Geerman, Vrolijk
  Kelly-Croes                 celebration of Wendell Andre Francis Life to be held at Aurora
Tromp-Richardson y famia      Funeral Home, Tuesday November 10, 2015 from 9 to 11 am.         Disculpa nos si nos por a lubida algun hende
 ars 10 di november 2015 pa   Condolences: Aurora Funeral Home, Monday November 9,             Acto di entiero ta tuma lugar diamars 10 di november 2015 na
na y despues lo sali pa       2015 from 7 to 9 pm.                                             misa Inmaculada Concepcion pa 4’or di atardi, despues lo sali
 kel na Paradera. E restonan                                                                   pa Santana catolico na Sta. Cruz. E restonan mortal lo ta
 rdia den misa.                                                                                reposa for di 2’or di merdia den misa.

                                                                                               Adres pa condolencia: Aurora Funeral Home, dialuna 9 di
                                                                                               november 2015 di 7’or pa 9’or di anochi.

                                                                                               Enbes di or of krans un donacion pa SABA lo ta altamente
                                                                                               aprecia. Lo tin un box disponibel pa esaki.
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