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                                                                                                           local Wednesday 7 June 2023

            The Savaneta Neighborhood Center is going to celebrate Dera Gay

            (Oranjestad)—Vanessa  de                                                                                            Gay dance, candle dance,
            Kort,  project  leader  at  the                                                                                     and  flag  dance.  The  can-
            Savaneta     Neighborhood                                                                                           dle dance is performed for
            Center,  has  informed  that                                                                                        protection  against  illness
            on  June  24th,  they  will  be                                                                                     and  bad  luck.  The  most
            celebrating  Dera  Gay*  at                                                                                         well-known  dance  is  the
            the  neighborhood  center                                                                                           Dera  Gay,  where  a  man,
            to  continue  enriching  the                                                                                        with his eyes covered and
            culture of Aruba.                                                                                                   a stick in his hand, attempts
                                                                                                                                to  kill  the  "gay"  (rooster).
            The  evening  will  begin  at                                                                                       Previously,  this  dance  took
            6:00  PM  and  culminate  at                                                                                        place in open fields with a
            10:00 PM with musical per-                                                                                          live rooster.
            formances  by  Frank  Croes                                                                                         Today,  a  dummy  is  used,
            and  his  Tipico  Pega  Saya,                                                                                       and the dance takes place
            Masiduri dance group, Nos                                                                                           in clubs. Those who still per-
            Cultura  group,  and  as  a                                                                                         form the dance in the fields
            special  guest,  Ivy  and  her                                                                                      or on the ground use a cal-
            group.  Additionally,  there                                                                                        abash.  There  is  also  a  flag
            will be Dera Gay competi-                                                                                           dance,  where  small  flags
            tions  in  the  categories  of                                                                                      are placed on the ground,
            children, youth, and adults.                                                                                        and  a  person  with  their
            At the same time, they will                                                                                         eyes  covered  by  a  cloth
            also have a competition for                                                                                         searches  for  the  flags.  The
            the  best  Dera  Gay  attire.                                                                                       ceremony is accompanied
            The purpose of this evening  1930s and has served as a                                                              by folk music.
            is to enhance the culture of  theater,  has  lost  its  name                                                        The  prominent  musical  in-
            Aruba.  De  Kort  expressed  and  importance  in  recent                                                            struments  are  the  fio,  wiri,
            the  intention  of  revitalizing  years.  De  Kort  mentioned                                                       and tambu. The Dera Gay
            the  neighborhood  center,  that  they  want  to  bring                                                             chant dates back to 1862.
            which has seen a significant  it  back  and  restore  it  not                                                       Of  course,  this  celebra-
            decrease in activities since  only for theater but also for                                                         tion  is  not  complete  with-
            the  Covid-19  pandemic.  dance,  singing,  and  other                                                              out  traditional  local  food
            She  mentioned  that  they  activities.                                                                             and  drinks.  The  festival  of
            want  to  restore  the  neigh-  De  Kort  emphasized  that                                                          San  Juan  and  Dera  Gay
            borhood center's function.   the  costs  for  restoring  the                                                        regained  popularity  in  the
            "We  have  already  start-   stage  require  a  significant  ute  to  the  work  and  effort  day.                  1970s  among  the  local
            ed  with  a  few  volleyball  amount  of  money,  and  needed for these activities.    According to tradition, the  population,  and  schools
            competitions.  Savaneta  is  they  have  not  yet  made  Registration  to  participate  festival begins on June 23rd  also  started  paying  atten-
            known for its volleyball and  a  budget  for  it.  Neverthe-  in  the  Dera  Gay  event  is  when  people  light  corn-  tion to this popular festival.
            indoor  soccer.  The  groups  less, they are aware that it  free,  as  mentioned  by  De  stalks as a symbolic cleans-  "San  Juan  is  coming,  San
            that  were  always  there  is  something  that  requires  Kort.  Those  interested  can  ing to prepare for the new  Juan is going."
            were Savaneta Six Stars, La  sufficient funding.          contact  her  at  (+297)  594  harvest  season.  On  June  *Dera Gay: The word “gay”
            Fama,  Racket  Club,  and  Furthermore, they are plan-    4570.                        24th, after sunset, the cele-  in   Papiamento   means
            all  those  groups  that  had  ning  to  organize  more  ac-  Dera  Gay  is  a  celebration  bration of San Juan starts in  “rooster”,   and   is   pro-
            already  established  them-  tivities  to  restore  the  soc-  with various origins and his-  different  districts  with  Dera  nounced like “guy”.q
            selves.  Now,  we  want  to  cer  and  volleyball  fields.  tories.  The  cultural  festival
            bring back the more recre-   The roof of the venue also  of  San  Juan  (St.  John  the
            ational  aspect  that  made  needs  attention,  as  there  Baptist),  known  locally  as
            Savaneta great in the 60s,  are  many  things  that  re-  Dera  Gay,  dates  back  to
            70s, and 80s."               quire repairs.               1862 and is celebrated ev-
            The  intention  is  also  to  De Kort made a call to the  ery year on June 24th. The
            raise funds to renovate the  residents, requesting active  origin  story  of  this  religious
            neighborhood  center.  The  volunteers  who  are  willing  and  cultural  festival  has
            stage,  which  is  from  the  to participate and contrib-  several versions.
                                                                      The religious origin is associ-
                                                                      ated with the birth date of
                                                                      St.  John  the  Baptist,  while
                                                                      the  cultural  origin  is  tied
                                                                      to  the  harvest  festival.  Al-
                                                                      though  it  has  a  religious
                                                                      aspect,  Dera  Gay  is  pre-
                                                                      dominantly  recognized  as
                                                                      a cultural festival featuring
                                                                      music, dance, and singing.
                                                                      The  dominant  colors  are
                                                                      red and yellow. Yellow sym-
                                                                      bolizes  the flowering kibra-
                                                                      hacha tree, while red rep-
                                                                      resents  the  candle  that  is
                                                                      lit on the eve to announce
                                                                      the festival of the following
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