Page 7 - HOH
P. 7
LOCAL Wednesday 30 november 2022
Minister of Sustainable Development met with United Nations
Development Program
ORANJESTAD – Last Thurs- mentation of the Sustain-
day, November 24, min- able Development Goals
ister of Economic Affairs, (SDGs).
Communication and Sus- Minister Wever is Territo-
tainable Development, rial Authorizing Officer of
mr. Geoffrey Wever had a Aruba, in which Wever has
meeting with Mr. Gerardo the charge and responsi- ropean Union through the SDG framework of the Unit- the SDGs need to be trans-
Noto, resident representa- bility for the administration ‘11th Development Fund’. ed Nations in Aruba. The lated to the needs of each
tive a.i. of the United Na- of projects with the Euro- UNDP together with Cath- SDG framework emphasiz- country.
tions development Pro- pean Union and regional olic University Leuven are es the importance of long-
gram for Aruba, Curaçao, projects. In this context, also partners in this project. term planning and strate- “I am happy with the part-
Sint Maarten and Trinidad & Aruba is in preparations to gic partnerships in the pro- nership that we have with
Tobago. expand the Faculty of Sus- Minister Wever, as minister cess to achieve the goals. UNDP. It is important for a
tainable Island Solutions of Sustainable Develop- Each country has its own country to have strong lo-
The topics discussed dur- through Science, Technol- ment, and UNDP as part challenges of sustainable cal partnerships as well as
ing the meeting were the ogy, Engineering and Math of the United Nations ex- development on which to internationally to advance
SISSTEM faculty at the Unvi- (SISSTEM) of the University of changed ideas regarding work. This is called “local- common goals”, Wever
ersity of Aruba, and imple- Aruba with funds of the Eu- the implementation of the ization of SDGs” – meaning commented.q
Aruba Dolphins won several medals at Naco 2022 Santo Domingo
ORANJESTAD – Aruba Dol- athletes, out of which most
phins returned to Aruba this were participating in their
week after winning several first international competi-
medals with a team con- tion. Surely an impressive
sisting of athletes attending achievement, seeing that
their first international com- there were 560 athletes,
petition. 47 clubs and ten countries
competing in Naco y Santo
Aruba Dolphins won the fol- Domingo.
2 Overall High Trophies; Aruba Dolphins finished in
1 Fina high Point; 5th place, between big
9 Gold Medals; clubs in Latin America like
8 Silver Medals; Santo Domingo itself, Costa
2 Bronze Medals. Rica and Ecuador.
Aruba Dolphins achieved Aruba Dolphins is known
all these medals with 25 for producing great cali-
ber athletes and this was and here they have a lot of ful Naco, and the team is
proven once again. Aside Personal Best. proud of its blue-heart ath-
from the abovementioned letes.
medals, most athletes man- Aruba Dolphins can look Congratulations!q
aged to reduce their times, back to a very success-