Page 23 - HOH_14 Mei 2022
P. 23

                     Saturday 14 May 2022
                                                                                                                                of  the  Mothers'  Milk  Bank
                                                                                                                                in  Colorado,  advises  those
                                                                                                                                looking for milk that search-
                                                                                                                                ing for donors on their own
                                                                                                                                can carry risks.
                                                                                                                                "We  want  to  make  sure
                                                                                                                                that  these  moms  are  be-
                                                                                                                                ing  as  safe  as  they  can
                                                                                                                                and meeting the needs of
                                                                                                                                their  infant,  so  consulting
                                                                                                                                with  their  health-care  pro-
                                                                                                                                vider on how to meet those
                                                                                                                                needs  is  the  best  way  to
                                                                                                                                go," she said.
                                                                                                                                The  shortage  creates  dif-
                                                                                                                                ficulties   particularly   for
                                                                                                                                lower-income families after
                                                                                                                                the recall by formula mak-
                                                                                                                                er  Abbott,  stemming  from
                                                                                                                                contamination  concerns.
                                                                                                                                The  recall  depleted  many
                                                                                                                                brands covered by WIC, a
                                                                                                                                federal  program  like  food
                                                                                                                                stamps  serving  women,  in-
                                                                                                                                fants and children, though
                                                                                                                                it now permits brand substi-
                                                                                                                                On Friday, Agriculture Sec-
                                                                                                                                retary  Tom  Vilsack  sent  a
                                                                                                                                letter to the head of Abbott
                                                                                                                                Laboratories    expressing
                                                                                                                                what  he  called  his  "grave
            Rebecca Heinrich, director of the Mothers' Milk Bank, loads frozen milk donated by lactating mothers from plastic bags into bottles
            for distribution to babies Friday, May 13, 2022, at the foundation's headquarters in Arvada, Colo.                  concern regarding the ac-
                                                                                                               Associated Press  cessibility of safe infant for-
                                                                                                                                mula," noting Abbott holds
            Continued from Front         liters)  after  the  birth  of  her  The  Human  Milk  Banking  man Milk 4 Human Babies.  infant  formula  contracts  in
            Biden's  administration  also  first child, and wasn't plan-  Association of North Amer-  Kastelein  stopped  breast-  the  federal  WIC  program.
            said  Friday  that  formula  ning to do it again.         ica,  an  accrediting  orga-  feeding after getting recur-  Vilsack  asked  that  Abbott
            maker Abbott Laboratories  "I  thought  18  gallons  was  nization  for  nonprofit  milk  ring  infections,  but  tried  to  continue  a  program  that
            committed to give rebates  sufficient  for  one  person,"  banks,  is  seeing  a  "major  begin re-lactating in March  provides  rebates  for  alter-
            through  August  for  a  food  she  said.  "If  I  hadn't  heard  increase"  in  demand,  ac-  after  the  formula  recall,  native   products   includ-
            stamp-like  program  that  of  the  shortage,  I  wouldn't  cording  to  Lindsay  Groff,  with little success.      ing  formula  for  competi-
            helps  women,  infants  and  be  going  through the pro-  the  group's  executive  di-  "Emerson is allergic to most  tive  brands,  which  it  had
            children called WIC.         cess  again,  just  because  rector. She estimates inqui-  of the formulas, so it's been  been  doing  on  a  month-
            At  the  Mothers'  Milk  Bank  I have three kids and it's a  ries from parents seeking to  difficult  to  find  something  to-month  basis.  The  White
            Northeast,  based  in  New-  little chaotic around here."  fill the formula gap are up  he's  not  allergic  to,"  she  House  said  Friday  Abbott
            ton, Massachusetts, interest  She  has  pledged  at  least  20% in recent days.        said.                        committed  to  the  rebates
            in  donating  and  receiving  150 ounces of her milk, but  Groff  called  the  shortage  In  stepped  Hannah  Breton  through the end of August.
            milk  because  of  the  short-  said  she  expects  to  give  a "crisis" and said it's not as  of  Naugatuck,  Connecti-  The  Biden  administration
            age  has  spiked.  Typically,  much more than that.       simple  as  parents  just  sup-  cut,  who  had  been  pro-  said it's working with states
            the  milk  bank  gets  about  "I'm  very  blessed  with  be-  plementing  with  donated  ducing more milk than her  to  make  it  easier  for  WIC
            30-50  calls  a  month  from  ing  able  to  produce  milk,  human  milk,  because  the  2 1/2-month-old son needs.  recipients  to  buy  different
            people  looking  to  donate.  so I just felt I needed to do  vast  majority  of  those  sup-  She's been giving Kastelein  sizes  of  formula  that  their
            On Thursday alone, 35 calls  something," she said.        plies  are  earmarked  for  about  60  ounces  of  milk  benefits might not currently
            came in from potential do-   She said in the past she has  babies with medical condi-  every  two  weeks.  That's  cover. Abbott has said that
            nors, said Deborah Young-    shipped  her  frozen  milk  in  tions.                    enough to supplement her  pending  Food  and  Drug
            blood,  the  bank's  execu-  special  containers  to  Den-  "If people can donate, now  formula  supply  and  keep  Administration  approval,  it
            tive director.               ver, but this time, her local  would be the time because  Emerson fed.                 could restart a manufactur-
            "It's  interesting  the  first  sort  hospital is taking the dona-  when we have more of an  "She  asked  a  bunch  of  ing site "within two weeks."
            of  response  that  we  got  tions and she can just drop  inventory we can look be-    questions — what medica-     The  company  would  be-
            was  from  potential  donors  them off.                   yond the medically fragile,"  tions I'm taking, if any, that  gin  by  producing  EleCare,
            —  so  people  responding  It's not just donors, though.  she said.                    kind  of  thing,"  Breton  said.  Alimentum  and  metabolic
            to  the  formula  shortage  Parents  desperately  seek-   Parents  are  also  turning  to  "So we decided, 'OK, that's  formulas  and  then  start
            with  sort  of  an  amazing,  ing nutrition for their babies  online breastmilk-swapping  perfect.' So, she comes by  production  of  Similac  and
            compassionate     response  are  pursuing  milk  banks  as  forums  to  meet  their  ba-  every  couple  weeks  and  other  formulas.  Once  pro-
            of how can I be part of the  well.                        bies' needs.                 picks up the milk I've been  duction  begins,  it  would
            solution?" she said.         At  the  Massachusetts  milk  Amanda Kastelein, a moth-   saving for her."             take  six  to  eight  weeks  for
            Youngblood  was  talking  bank,  about  30  people  er of three from Middlebury,  "I do feel helpful," she add-     the formula to be available
            about  people  like  Kayla  called  looking  for  milk  be-  Connecticut,  has  been  ed.  "It's  exciting  and  re-  on shelves.
            Gillespie,   a   38-year-old  cause  they  couldn't  find  supplementing  the  spe-    warding that I can give to  On  Tuesday,  the  FDA  said
            mother of three from Hays,  their  baby's  usual  formula,  cial  formula  she  needs  for  a mom that can't find what  it  was  working  with  U.S.
            Kansas.  Gillespie  first  do-  Youngblood said. That's up  10-month-old Emerson with  she's looking for, and if her  manufacturers  to  increase
            nated  to  the  Mothers'  Milk  from  nearly  no  calls  at  all,  breast milk from a mom she  son  can't  take  formula,  I  their output and streamline
            Bank  in  Denver  six  years  since the milk bank typical-  found  on  a  peer-to-peer  mean, it's scary.           paperwork  to  allow  more
            ago,  giving  18  gallons  (68  ly serves hospitals.      Facebook page called Hu-     Rebecca Heinrich, director  imports.q
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