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                  Diabierna 5 di Juni 2020  Email:  Tel: 582-7800  Fax: 582-7044 1,75 Florin

                                                                                              ‘Rapport                        •  Aruba lo
                                                                                                                                 haya aporte

                                                                                             di EBA no                           financiero di

                                                                                            ta mustra                                      Pagina 4

                                                                                                     nos                      •  Prome vuelo
                                                                                                                                 di prueba cu

                                                                                              realidad’                          drone UAV

                                                                                                                                          Pagina 16
                                                                                                                              •  Vinculo entre


                                                                                                                                 y falta di

                                                                                                                                 vitamina K

                                                                                                            Pagina 3                       Pagina 8

                                                                                                                      Bubali Wetlands Area

                                                                                       June 5, 2020
                                                                                       T: 582-7800
                                                                                                                                             Page 31
                 Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper ruba’s ONLY English newspaper
            Pentagon-Trump clash breaks open over military and protests

             By  ZEKE  MILLER  and  RO-  Republican  Alaska  Sen.
             BERT BURNS                  Lisa Murkowski said Esper’s
             Associated Press            remarks  were  “overdue”
             WASHINGTON (AP) — Pre-      and she didn’t know if she
             sident  Donald  Trump  is  would  support  Trump  in
             not only drawing criticism  November.
             from his usual political foes  Although  Esper’s  decla-
             but  also  facing  backtalk  ration  was  followed  by
             from  his  defense  secre-  the  Pentagon  reversing
             tary,  his  former  Pentagon  course  on  pulling  part  of
             chief and a growing num-    the  82nd  Airborne  Divi-
             ber of fellow Republicans.  sion  off  standby  outside
             A  day  after  Defense  Se-  Washington,   the   rising
             cretary  Mark  Esper  shot  criticism  underscored  an
             down  Trump’s  idea  of  extraordinary  clash  bet-
             using  active-duty  troops  ween the U.S. military and
             to  quell  protests  across  its  commander  in  chief.
             the  United  States,  retired  On  Thursday,  an  official
             four-star  Gen.  John  Allen  said the troops in question
             joined  the  chorus  of  for-  from the 82nd were going   In this June 1, 2020, file photo President Donald Trump departs the White House to visit outside St.
             mer military leaders going  home to Fort Bragg, North    John’s Church in Washington.
             after  the  president.  And  Carolina, after all.                                                                              Associated Press
                                                Continued on Page 25
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