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locAl           Wednesday 6 May 2020

            The Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA):

            Continue to maintain vaccine coverage while fighting the

            COVID-2019 pandemic

            TRINIDAD,  PORT-OF-SPAIN                                                               eases.    Once  a  COVID-19   If we fall behind in our im-
            —  CARPHA  is  a  region-                                                              vaccination      becomes  munization  programs  we
            al  public  health  agency                                                             available in the Caribbean,  run  the  risk  of  recurrence
            headquartered  in  Trinidad                                                            CARPHA is assured that the  of  measles  and  other  pre-
            and  Tobago  which  was                                                                same  care  and  due  dili-  viously  eradicated  diseas-
            established  by  CARICOM                                                               gence  would  have  been  es.  In light of this, CARPHA
            leaders  in  July  2011  and                                                           in place in developing the  is  urging  governments  to
            began  operation  in  2013.                                                            vaccine,  as  has  been  in  continue  to  maintain  their
            They  urge  their  members                                                             place for the development  vaccine  coverage  as  a
            to  maintain  vaccine  cov-                                                            of vaccines against respira-  matter  of  priority,  so  Minis-
            erage  while  fighting  CO-                                                            tory illnesses.”             tries of Health do not have
            VID-19.                                                                                                             to  manage  outbreaks  of
                                                                                                   The  Caribbean  has  long  vaccine  preventable  dis-
            Although  there  is  no  vac-                                                          been  a  leader  among  re-  eases  like  measles,  while
            cine  against  the  novel                                                              gions  of  the  world,  as  our  fighting  the  COVID-2019
            coronavirus  disease  (CO-                                                             countries  have  applied  pandemic.
            VID-19),      vaccinations  ease  caused  by  a  newly  cause the virus is new and  high  standards  in  the  de-
            against  seasonal  influenza  discovered    coronavirus.   different  it  requires  its  own  livery  of  vaccination  pro-  The World Health Organiza-
            and measles are available  The  virus  is  transmitted  vaccine.   Research is cur-    grams.    While  successfully  tion  (WHO)  recommends
            to prevent respiratory illness  mainly via small respiratory  rently  underway  to  devel-  maintaining a measles-free  annual vaccination, which
            and  vaccine-preventable  droplets  through  sneezing,  op a vaccine.                  status since 1991, the Carib-  is  especially  important  for
            disease  outbreaks  during  coughing, or when people                                   bean has also been eradi-    health workers and people
            the  COVID-19  pandemic.  interact with each other for  Dr  Joy  St  John,  Executive  cated  of  endemic  small-   at higher risk of serious influ-
            If  vaccination  programs  some time in close proxim-     Director  at  the  Caribbe-  pox  in  1971,  polio  in  1994,  enza  complications,  such
            are  not  continued,  more  ity  (usually  less  than  two  an  Public  Health  Agency  and rubella and congenital  as  the  very  young,  preg-
            people are likely to get sick  meters).                   (CARPHA) states, “Safe and  rubella  syndrome  in  2015.   nant  women,  the  elderly
            from  vaccine-preventable                                 effective  vaccines  have  The  health  of  the  general  and  chronically  ill  persons,
            diseases,  thus  increasing  Given the outbreak of CO-    been  available  and  used  public improved drastically  and  for  people  who  live
            the burden on the already  VID-19  in  the  Caribbean  for over 60 years, and vac-     with  the  vaccinations  that  with or care for high risk in-
            strained health systems.     region,  it  is  important  that  cination  remains  the  most  allowed children to survive  dividuals.
                                         people take the necessary  effective way to prevent in-   because  they  no  longer
            Coronavirus  disease  (CO-   steps to protect themselves  fluenza, measles and other  developed severe measles
            VID-19) is an infectious dis-  and their loved ones.   Be-  vaccine-preventable   dis-  infections.                        Continued on Page 32

              Share your message from home

              ORANJESTAD  —  In  these
              difficult  times  we  would
              like  to  reach  out  to  our
              friends  abroad  who  were
              supposed  to  spend  their
              tropical  vacation  on  Aru-
              ba or who had to break up
              their  vacation  due  to  the
              COVID-19 situation. Aruba
              Today  invites  you  to  send  Please  do  tional  purposes  without
              us your picture and words  note: By submitting photos,  compensation.
              expressing  your  memory  text or any other materials,  Today we share a wonder-
              of our island or your dream  you give permission to The  ful  message  from  Phyllis
              vacation for the future.    Aruba Today newspaper,      Rubin. She wrote:            “We have vacationed on Aruba 40 times and our most
                                          Caribbean  Speed  Print-    “We  were  only  there  for   favorite  time  of  year  at  Barceló  is  just  after  Christmas
              Send us your picture(s) to-  ers and any of its affiliated  4  days  before  everything   through early January. This year we decided to have a
              gether  with  completing  companies to use said ma-     was  being  shut  down.      SANDMAN celebrate the new year with all the happy
              the sentence: Aruba to me  terials,  as  well  as  names,  Can't  wait  to  come  back   beach goers. See you soon!”
              is  ……..  (Email:  news@aru-  likeness,  etc.  for  promo-  next year!”              Mary Jane Heavey
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