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WORLD NEWSMonday 31 August 2015
Dominica declares disaster status after storm leaves 20 dead
ROSEAU, Dominica (AP) — The Beran protestant church is partially collapsed due to Tropical Storm Erika in Roseau, Dominica. of Petite-Savanne, fearing
Rescue teams worked Sun- Rescue teams worked Sunday to reopen roads to remote communities in Dominica after Tropical new landslides.
day to reopen roads to re- Storm Erika caused flooding and mudslides that killed at least 20 people and left more than 50 Erika whipped the island
mote communities in Domi- missing on the Caribbean island. for more than five hours
nica after Tropical Storm on Wednesday, bringing
Erika caused flooding and (AP Photo/Carlisle Jno Baptiste) strong winds and intense
mudslides that killed at rain that provoked flooding
least 20 people and left and landslides. Hundreds of
more than 50 missing on homes were destroyed.
the Caribbean island. Crews were using heavy
“Access by road to these equipment sent by the
communities is impossible,” governments of Venezu-
Prime Minister Roosevelt ela, Martinique and Gua-
Skerrit said. These towns dalupe. Hundreds of men
“are cut off from the rest of worked Sunday to reopen
the country.” the country’s main airport,
In a national address late where mud and debris im-
Saturday, Skerrit said he peded operations, Skerrit
was declaring disaster sta- said. Skerrit appealed for
tus for nine local areas. international aid and esti-
On Sunday, the govern- mated that damage from
ment ordered the evacua- the storm could set the
tion of about 1,000 inhabit- country’s development
ants from the small town back two decades.q
Lawmakers urge lifting immunity of Guatemalan president
ALBERTO ARCE vice president jailed and said they found “rational
Associated Press much of his cabinet resign. and sufficient indications
GUATEMALA CITY (AP) — A The process against Perez about the commission of
legislative commission this Molina is akin to impeach- one or various crimes.”
weekend urged Guate- ment and could lead to The move to prosecute the
mala’s congress to lift Presi- criminal charges in con- president was backed by
dent Otto Perez Molina’s nection with a customs a U.N. commission that has
immunity from prosecution fraud scheme. been working with local
in a corruption case that One of the five commission prosecutors to improve in-
has already seen his former members, Jorge Barrios, vestigations and eliminate
Guatemala’s President Otto Perez Molina attends a ceremony,
in Guatemala City.
(AP Photo/Moises Castillo)
the impunity of the pow- in early September to pick
erful in Guatemala. For- his successor. Perez Molina
mer Vice President Roxa- balked at the investigating
na Baldetti was ordered commission’s summons to
jailed on Wednesday on appear on Saturday, send-
charges she took $3.7 mil- ing his attorney instead.
lion in bribes to let business He presented a written
people evade import du- declaration saying that the
ties. Like Perez Molina, she attorney general’s allega-
denies any wrongdoing. tions against him were ille-
The president’s four-year gitimate and “do not pro-
term ends on Jan. 14, 2016, vide elements that reason-
and elections will be held ably constitute any crime.”