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local Friday 14 July 2023
Discover the Art of Sunday Brunch:
Tara Lounge at Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort Unveils a New Culinary
Experience Crafted by Elements’ Executive Chef Alexander Powell
(Oranjestad)—Bucuti & Tara Beach marriage of my years of culinary
Resort, acclaimed as the #18 Best experience and the vibrancy of
Hotel in the World and #1 in the Ca- fresh ingredients," said Chef Pow-
ribbean on TripAdvisor, is excited ell. "At the Tara Lounge, we have
to announce a new Sunday Brunch the perfect venue to deliver this
experience served exclusively at incredible brunch experience, dis-
the resort's Tara Lounge every Sun- tinct from our regular offerings at
day from 11:15 AM to 3 PM. The Elements
brunch, personally curated by Ex-
ecutive Chef Alexander Powell, will Restaurant. I’m excited for our
offer a unique combination of ex- customers and guests to immerse
quisite flavors and a mesmerizing themselves in this unique experi-
ambiance, right in the heart of the ence."
award-winning resort. For reservations, visit: https://www. or call +297
The Tara Lounge offers an inviting 583-1100 ext 3.
indoor setting fully air-conditioned, due to limited seating, and the coveted three-star rating from the
as well as an outdoor deck, both experience is exclusive to adults New York Times. His culinary prow- About Elements Restaurant
providing the perfect ambiance (18+). ess was further honed during his Elements Restaurant is an award-
for an intimate dining experience. tenure at the EDITION Hotel in Mi- winning restaurant located at
For $110 per couple (only $55 per A Culinary Maestro Shaping Brunch ami, where he worked closely with Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort, Aruba.
person) diners can savor an ar- Delights Jean-Georges in developing spe- Recognized by TripAdvisor's 2021
ray of tantalizing offerings, includ- Executive Chef Alexander Powell cial dining experiences. His eclec- Travellers Choice Awards as the
ing fine artisanal cuts, delectable is an acclaimed culinary artist with tic background and international Number 2 restaurant in the world
crêpes, shrimp cocktail, broiled over two decades of experience in culinary exposure bring a unique for Date Night and honored with
salmon filet, fine Argentinean beef the industry. As a graduate of the richness to his creations, which he the Wine Spectator Award of Ex-
tenderloin, New York-style cheese- esteemed New York Restaurant now applies daily to the interna- cellence, Elements is renowned
cake, and much more. The meal School, Chef Powell honed his skills tionally acclaimed Elements Res- for its globally-inspired fare crafted
is beautifully complemented by a under the tutelage of Michelin- taurant. from natural, organic, and locally-
full bottle of our signature celebra- starred chef Jean George Vong- sourced ingredients. For more in-
tory Champagne, Veuve Ambal erichten. He played a crucial role The brunch menu is a testament formation about Elements Restau-
Crémant de Bourgogne, adding a at Jean George's JoJo restaurant to Chef Powell's innovative ap- rant, please visit www.elementsa-
bubbly touch to this gastronomic in New York City, contributing sig- proach, highlighting his attention
journey. Reservations are required nificantly to the achievement of a to detail. "Every dish we serve is a
Blackstone Beach
(Oranjestad)—Named af- ent—or if it’s opposite day,
ter its most recognizable visit the Blackstone Beach.
feature, the Blackstone
Beach almost represents Blackstone Beach shows
the opposite of the typical the more natural side of
Aruban beaches. For one, Aruba: the stones that cov-
it has black sand and is er the beaches and the
covered in black smooth shape of it has been craft-
stones. Secondly, it lies on ed for thousand years via
the northern side of the is- volcanic eruptions, coral
land, away from the white reef movements and wave
sandy beaches of in the activity of the rural northern
southern region. So, if you part of the island.
feel up for something differ-
Located further east to the car and take a 1km hike vised to swim in the water,
Natural Bridge and Andi- towards Blackstone Beach. as the current is very strong
curi Beach, the Blackstone and can easily stray you
Beach is relatively easy This beach forms part of the further in the wild ocean.
to access. Once you get Arikok National Park and is However, you can still en-
passed the Ayo Rock For- therefore a site that is pre- joy a spectacular view of
mation, take the Andicuri served. This is why it is also the stones and the northern
road leading up to Andicuri relatively untouched by ocean that stretches out
Beach. commercial influences. De- in front of the beach and
spite being called a beach, take a picture with your
There, you can park your do note that it is not ad- friends or family!q