P. 30

                        Friday 15 June 2018
            Longtime Elvis Presley drummer D.J. Fontana has died

            By ADRIAN SAINZ                                                                                                     me  funny  —  even  back
            HILLEL ITALIE                                                                                                       then.  You  know  he  kinda
            MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP) — D.J.                                                                                          wanted  to  get  away  for
            Fontana, the drummer who                                                                                            a  while.  I  think  he  should
            helped  launch  rock  'n'  roll                                                                                     have retired for about 7 or
            as  Elvis  Presley's  sideman,                                                                                      8  years,  and  then  come
            has died at 87, his wife said                                                                                       back  —  you  know.  And
            Thursday.                                                                                                           then  he  might  still  be  with
            Karen  Fontana  told  The                                                                                           us."
            Associated  Press  that  her                                                                                        Fontana     also   played
            husband died in his sleep in                                                                                        on   Starr's   solo   album
            Nashville Wednesday night.                                                                                          "Beaucoups  of  Blues,"  and
            She  said  he  had  been                                                                                            worked  with  country  artist
            suffering    complications                                                                                          Webb Pierce and rockabilly
            from  breaking  his  hip  in                                                                                        star  Gene  Vincent  among
            2016.                                                                                                               others.  More  recently,  he
            "He was loved by everybody                                                                                          and Moore were joined by
            all  over  the  world.  He                                                                                          Helm,  Keith  Richards  and
            treated   everybody     like                                                                                        other  guests  for  the  1997
            everybody  was  his  friend,"                                                                                       Presley  tribute  album  "All
            she said.                                                                                                           the King's Men."
            Fontana rose from strip joints                                                                                      In 2000, he played on Paul
            in  his  native  Shreveport,                                                                                        McCartney's  cover  of  an
            Louisiana to the heights of                                                                                         early  Presley  hit,  "That's  All
            musical  history  as  Presley's                                                                                     Right."
            first and longtime drummer.                                                                                         Born  in  1931,  Dominic
            They  met  on  the  Louisiana                                                                                       Joseph  Fontana  began
            Hayride,  a  popular  and    In this Oct. 16, 2004 file photo, longtime Elvis Presley drummer D.J. Fontana performs at the 50th   playing drums as a teen in
                                         anniversary celebration concert of Elvis Presley's first performance at the Louisiana Hayride in
            influential  radio  and  TV   Sherveport, La.                                                                       his  high  school  marching
            country  music  program                                                                            Associated Press  band  and  would  also  jam
            based     in    Shreveport.                                                                                         with his cousin while listening
            Fontana, the staff drummer,  had  been  recording  and  brought      in   after   Elvis  mixed it with rockabilly."  to big band recordings.
            asked  to  join  his  group  touring  since  the  summer  turned up at the Memphis,  Fontana  was  there  for  By  his  early  20s  he  was
            for  a  session  broadcast  in  with  guitarist  Scotty  Moore  Tennessee-based   label's  Presley's  extraordinary  first  performing  at  strip  joints
            October 1954.                and  bassist  Bill  Black,  the  studio.                  wave  of  success,  from  and spending enough time
            A regional act at the time,  musicians   Sun    Records  "The  Blue  Moon  Boys,"  as  such  hit  singles  as  "Hound  around the Hayride that he
            the   19-year-old   Presley  founder     Sam     Phillips  they  called  themselves,  Dog"  and  "Jailhouse  Rock"  was hired fulltime, although
                                                                      had been playing a blend  to  his  increasingly  frenzied  at first he was asked to play
                                                                      of  blues,  pop  and  country  live shows and hip-shaking  behind  a  curtain  because
                                                                      that  was  unique  at  the  appearances  on  "The  Ed  drums  were  scorned  by
                                                                      time;  but  it  was  missing  Sullivan Show" and other TV  country audiences.
                                                                      something crucial.           programs.                    Presley's   Sun   Records
                                                                      "Elvis  and  Scotty  and  Bill  He  played  on  many  of  contract was purchased by
                                                                      were  making  good  music,  the  soundtracks  —  and  RCA Victor late in 1955 and
                                                                      but it wasn't rock n' roll until  was  occasionally  seen  on  he  became  a  sensation
                                                                      D.J. put the backbeat into  camera  —  for  Presley's  around  the  country,  and
                                                                      it,"  the  Band's  Levon  Helm  movies in the '50s and '60s.  beyond.
                                                                      told The Associated Press in  He was on the "comeback"  During  an  interview  with
                                                                      2004.                        Christmas TV special of 1968  Elvis   Australia,   Fontana
                                                                      Elvis  returned  often  to  that  featured  Presley  and  recalled a 1957 show at a
                                                                      the  Hayride,  and  in  1955  fellow  musicians  jamming  Canadian football stadium,
                                                                      Fontana     became       a  on  a  tiny  stage  before  when Presley did his best to
                                                                      permanent member of the  a  studio  audience,  with  honor  the  owners'  wishes
                                                                      group, working with Presley  Fontana  keeping  time  on  to  keep  the  crowd  off  the
                                                                      through much of the 1960s.   a guitar case. Widely cited  grass  and  away  from  the
                                                                      Influenced  by  such  big  for reviving Presley's career,  stage.  "So  Elvis  came  on,
                                                                      band  drummers  as  Buddy  the  comeback  show  was  did a few songs, and said:
                                                                      Rich  and  Gene  Krupa,  his  first  live  performance  'We'd  like  for  you  to  get
                                                                      Fontana  was  admired  by  in  years  and  the  last  time  back  in  your  seats.'  Which
                                                                      Helm,  Ringo  Starr,  Max  Moore       and     Fontana  they did, very orderly. Until
                                                                      Weinberg     and     many  worked with Elvis, who died  the  last  song,  and  here
                                                                      others for his power, speed  in 1977.                     they come again," Fontana
                                                                      and  steadiness,  which  he  "Elvis  would  always  want  explained.  "Elvis  left  the
                                                                      honed during his time with  to go back and talk about  stage,  and  here  we  were
                                                                      the Hayride.                 the early days when there  with  20,000  people!  The
                                                                      "I heard Scotty and Bill and  were  four  of  us  in  a  car,  stage  turned  over,  but  we
                                                                      Elvis  one  night  and  knew  Me, Scotty, Bill and Himself,"  finally got all the equipment
                                                                      that I couldn't mess up that  Fontana  later  told  the  fan  in the car, which was right
                                                                      sound," Fontana later said.  site Elvis Australia.        behind  the  stage.  The  car
                                                                      "I think the simple approach  "And he told me one day,  was  surrounded  by  kids,
                                                                      comes  from  my  hearing  he  said  'You  know,  I  wish  I  and they were shaking the
                                                                      so much big band music. I  wasn't Elvis.' And that struck  car."q
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