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                  Friday 27 OctOber 2017
            KLM Aruba Championship Once Again a Success

                                                                                                   Betty  Green  managed  to  by  Rennie  Arends  and
                                                                                                   hold off Angelique Schoop  Frank Gregoor with Arends
                                                                                                   (2nd)  and  Lone  van  der  winning  second  place  by
                                                                                                   Hofstede  (3rd)  for  the  vic-  means of the tie breaker.
                                                                                                   tory.                        After  a  strong  first  round,
                                                                                                   The  A-Flight  saw  Orlando  Larry  Nedd  managed  to
                                                                                                   Rasmijn  with  an  opening  hold  off  the  competition
                                                                                                   round  of  74  net,  increase  by 2 strokes to claim winner
                                                                                                   his  lead  of  2  strokes  after  of  the  C-Flight.  Ken  Hover
                                                                                                   the  first  round  to  5  strokes  managed to reduce Larry’s
                                                                                                   to capture this division. Ed-  lead from 4 to 2 points but
                                                                                                   son  Kelly  finished  second.  came up just short to finish
                                                                                                   There was a tie for third and  second.  Third  place  went
                                                                                                   Jochem  Ros  won  the  tie  to  Bjorn  Angela  another  4
                                                                                                   breaker  over  Michael  van  points  back.  Tierra  del  Sol
                                                                                                   der  Hofstede  to  claim  his  would  like  to  thank  KLM
                                                                                                   trophy.                      for their continued support
                                                                                                   Regarding the B-Flight, Cliff  in  making  this  the  premier
                                                                                                   Starke put on a very strong  amateur  championship  in
                                                                                                   performance, earning a to-   Aruba and the Gold Spon-
                                                                                                   tal  of  70  Stableford  points  sor  Aruba  Airport  Author-
                                                                                                   he  deservingly  took  first  ity and Silver Sponsor FMSA
                                                                                                   place.                       (Fuels  Marketing  &  Supply
                                                                                                   A  two-way  tie  for  second  Aruba)  for  positively  con-
                                                                                                   with  58  points  was  shared  tributing to this event.q

            NOORD – Tierra del Sol Re-   Sol,  the  only  18-hole  golf  being  very  tough  over  the
            sort  &  Golf  together  with  course on the island.      weekend, consistently very
            KLM proudly presented the  A fun filled and very com-     strong winds, a small show-
            KLM  Aruba  Championship  petitive  weekend  of  Golf  er of rain on Saturday after-
            2017 – Aruba’s premier 36-   having  taken  place  at  noon and the Golf Course
            hole Golf Championship on  Tierra del Sol, the winners of  at  Tierra  del  Sol  in  great
            October 20, 21 & 22.         the  respective  categories  playing   conditions   with
                                         were closely contested. Of  smooth  and  slick  greens
            On  behalf  of  Tierra  del  Sol  course, the great prize of 2  provided the perfect chal-
            and KLM; a thank you goes  return tickets AUA – AMS –  lenge  for  this  prestigious
            to  all  the  participants  that  AUA for the winner of each  event. This brought out the
            participated  in  the  KLM  category really got the at-   best  in  all  the  participants
            Aruba Championship 2017,  tention of all participants.    and the KLM Aruba Cham-
            that took place at Tierra del  With  weather  conditions  pionship was once again a
                                                                      true success.
                                                                      The  overall  champion  was
                                                                      Eddy  Rivera,  who  con-
                                                                      quered the conditions best
                                                                      and with two rounds of 76,
                                                                      totaling 152 strokes won the
                                                                      Gross  division  by  3  shots.
                                                                      A  very  consistent  perfor-
                                                                      mance  and  well-deserved
                                                                      crowning as the winner.
                                                                      In  the  Ladies  division  after
                                                                      day one the three leaders
                                                                      were  separated  by  only  3
                                                                      points.  With  another  con-
                                                                      sistent  round  on  Sunday,
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