P. 24
CLASSIFIED Thursday 15 June 2017
Edmunds: For Father’s Day, take Dad car-shopping
checking out a vehicle’s
rear seats, be sure to check
the LATCH attachments
and positions.
SEARCH: Whether they’re
in your phone or notes,
have these handy. And
just in case you do buy that
day, a few quick phone
calls to get price quotes
from nearby dealerships
Chevrolet Corvettes are displayed in the showroom at Quirk will help with negotiations.
Auto Dealers in Manchester, N.H. You can use Father’s Day to Remind Dad and any co-
explore the cars Dad might want to buy, or you can go for the purchasers to bring driver’s
big surprise of a gift on wheels. licenses, proof of insurance
(AP Photo/Charles Krupa) and an approved car loan
By MATT JONES because it will get busier from a bank or credit union.
RON MONTOYA at dealerships as the day Having a preapproved
(EDMUNDS) Forget the co- goes on. loan is a good idea.
logne. For this Father’s Day, By having two or three DEBRIEF: Over lunch or
help Dad get what he re- test-drive appointments on brunch, Dad can share his
ally wants: a new car. Dad’s schedule, you have impressions and narrow the
There are two approaches a built-in reason to leave field. During the week, the
to Father’s Day car shop- a dealership that may be buying team can get com-
ping. The first is to plan a eager to talk price before petitive price quotes on
fun, no-pressure morning you’re ready. Plan at least the car that Dad’s chosen
of back-to-back test drives a half-hour for each drive. and wrap up the deal.
that let Dad check out DO A FIT TEST: Is this vehicle THE SURPRISE APPROACH
the cars that appeal to going to do carpool duty To be honest, it’s probably
him. Cap it with brunch or and team hauling? If so, too late to have the per-
lunch and a discussion of Dad and his shopping as- fect car in Dad’s driveway
which car he liked best.The sistants should check out by Father’s Day. You don’t
second route is to surprise the cargo area with seat- want to rush a car pur-
him with a car. This is riskier, ing positions the way he’d chase. But you can start
though, as you’ll see later want them during his daily planning now for next year.
in this article. driving. Will everybody fit? Buying a car as a gift is
THE FATHER’S DAY TEST Is there room to carry sports tricky, even with lots of time
DRIVE and school gear? What to plan. In most cases, you
The goal isn’t necessarily about the dog? can’t return a new car that
to buy the car on Father’s CHECK THE CAR SEATS: you’ve just bought. With
Day. Sundays are busy at Are there little ones in the that in mind:
car dealerships, and you’d family? Be certain that the MAKE SURE YOU CHOOSE
be smart to save the ac- cars Dad is considering THE RIGHT CAR: Find a
tual purchase for a week- can accommodate car clever way to figure out
day. To make the day a seats. Bring them along to the features Dad would
success, you’ll want to line confirm an easy fit. When want in a new car. q
up a few things first:
Dad and his car-buying as-
sistants should research the
makes and models that
best suit him. Narrow the list
to about three cars.
if there are lease specials,
special financing or bonus
cash offers on the cars that
make the final list.
Call the dealerships ahead
of time to make sure the
vehicles Dad wants to
drive are in stock. He’ll
want to test the car in the
trim level and with the op-
tions he’s after. Make ap-
pointments for the drives
to ensure the vehicles will
be ready when you arrive.
The first should be as early
in the morning as possible