Page 11 - HOH
P. 11

                                                                                                           local Saturday 11 February 2023

            Luna Foundation:

            “We need more volunteers. More volunteers mean more rescued dogs”

            (Oranjestad)—From       the
            time  she  arrives  on  the
            property at 8am up to 6pm,
            Zoey is still seen taking care
            of  her  sanctuary,  making
            sure the dogs and animals
            are  getting  enough  care.
            The  Luna  Foundation  is  a
            well-known     organization
            on the island for its beauti-
            ful work and dedication for
            mistreated  or  abandoned
            dogs.  In  an  interview  with
            Bon Dia Aruba, founder and
            president of the Luna Foun-
            dation, Zoey Konijn, shared
            how  the  foundation  is  cur-
            rently  running  and  what  is
            in store for this year.

            Konijn  expressed  that  this
            year started with an expan-
            sion  of  the  sanctuary.  The
            property  expanded  and
            the goal of this was to final-
            ly  construct  the  retirement
            home  for  old  dogs,  and  a
            yard for the puppies to play

            She  also  remarked  that    to  the  vet,  because  we  dogs  in  labor.  The  Luna  assistance  with  the  dogs.  showed  us  their  support
            there  has  been  a  hospital   have our hospital. The only  Foundation does not actu-  “More  volunteers  mean  for our work, and with that
            on  the  property  since  last   problem is we don’t have a  ally pick up pregnant dogs  more rescued dogs.”        fund,  we  can  make  the
            year,  but  which  only  be-  stay-in veterinarian, but the  from the streets; they most-                           property even bigger,” she
            came active this year. This   local vet comes to the hos-  ly  only  pick  up  dogs  that  The  Luna  Foundation  cur-  indicated.
            hospital  is  only  meant  for   pital  when  needed,”  she  have been abused by their  rently  houses  100  dogs,
            the dogs on the property.    indicated.                   owner.  However,  they  do  and  Konijn  says  that  she  is  The Luna Foundation is one
                                                                      see  pregnant  dogs  roam  on the property every day,  of  the  5  foundations  that
            “If  they  ever  get  sick,  we   She  explained  that  they  the streets sometimes, and  with  others  or  even  alone.  have joined forced to cre-
            don’t  need  to  take  them   also  have  a  nursery  for  they help. Their nursery has  “It’s  a  lot  of  work.  I’m  not  ate the AWAA foundation.
                                                                      three  cages  where  the  complaining though, I love  The task of the Luna Foun-
                                                                      dogs  can  peacefully  give  my work, but it’s not easy.  dation  is  to  provide  edu-
                                                                      birth.                       The  more  volunteers  we  cation.  This  includes  go-
                                                                                                   can get to help us in here,  ing  to  neighborhoods  and
                                                                      “The plan for this year is to  the more dogs we can help  schools  to  education  the
                                                                      start building the retirement  out there,” she expressed.  public  on  how  to  handle
                                                                      home  for  the  older  dogs,                              their pets.
                                                                      and to make sure we take  In  terms  of  funding,  the
                                                                      in  more  puppies,  because  foundation  has  been  re-   Konijn  also  pointed  out
                                                                      other organizations are out  ceiving   donations   from  that  they  need  volunteers
                                                                      of space. We want to help  Renaissance  Marketplace  for this task too, a problem
                                                                      where we can,” Konijn ex-    for  two  consecutive  years  that  cannot  be  swept  un-
                                                                      pressed.                     now. Konijn explained that  der the rug after one week-
                                                                                                   they  work  every  day,  from  end of volunteering events.
                                                                      To  achieve  this  though,  6pm  to  10pm,  and  the  “When  Aruba  Doet  takes
                                                                      they  need  volunteers.  The  funds  they  collected  from  place,  everyone  is  willing
                                                                      topic of volunteers remains  kids, parents and even tour-  to help, but the foundation
                                                                      a problem and Konijn high-   ists all go to the foundation.  needs help all year round,
                                                                      lights that many people ask                               not just that one weekend.
                                                                      for  help  but  no  one  offers  “We work hard for this, and  The  more  volunteers  we
                                                                      help  to  the  organization  Arubans  showed  up.  The  have, the more the founda-
                                                                      that  are  in  need  of  more  island  came  together  and  tion can do,” she added.q
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