Page 13 - AHATA
P. 13
Thursday 19 april 2018
Heritage for Generations
ORANJESTAD - Every year velopment.
on 18 April, ICOMOS cel-
ebrates the International On this day we celebrate
Day for Monuments and the inter-generational
Sites. The 2018 theme for transfer of knowledge and
the ICOMOS International the importance of sharing
Day for Monuments and information about our cul-
Sites is Heritage for Gener- tural heritage with future
ations. Sharing stories and leaders of our community.
the transfer of knowledge To celebrate this day Monu- cal Museum of Aruba orga- of different service clubs. a little bit about Aruban
between generations is a mentsfund Aruba together nized a Cultural Expedition The main goal was to let cultural heritage. Members
crucial step in cultural de- with National Archaeologi- for the younger members them experience and learn of different Kiwanis clubs,
the youth parliament and
Filomena College signed
up for the activity.
Indian Rock Drawings
The day began at the ar-
chaeological museum
with an introduction about
monuments, archaeologi-
cal sites, cultural heritage
and the international day
for monuments and sites.
The first stop was at Eliezer
Foundation where they
got a tour and informa-
tion about the foundation.
There are Indian rock draw-
ings on the grounds of the
foundation. The group re-
ceived information from
a collaborator of the mu-
seum about this archaeo-
logical site. Afterwards the
group went to the Museum
of Industry which opened
its doors in 2016 in the mon-
umental water tower in San
Nicolas. Here the group
received a tour about the
industrial history of Aruba
since the discovery of gold
on the island until the de-
velopment of the tourism
Continued on Page 14