Page 9 - Min.TTC 10 January 2015
P. 9

LOCALSaturday 10 January 2015

Island Guests Honored for Their Loyalty to Aruba!

NOORD - Recently the Aru- a token of appreciation to weather, the beaches, the ing home for them. The representing Aruba Tour-
ba Tourism Authority had guests who visit Aruba for relaxation, and because certificate was presented ism Authority together with
the great pleasure of hon- 20-or-more consecutive being on Aruba is like be- by Ms. Darline S. de Cuba Mrs. Mislady Fingal.q
oring a very nice couple years.
whom are loyal and friend- The honorees are Mr. Larry
ly visitors of Aruba, as Am- and Mrs. Brenda Pittman of
bassadors of Goodwill. The North Carolina.
symbolic honorary titles are The honorees  love Aruba
presented in the name of very much because of
the Minister of Tourism as the friendly people, the
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