Page 4 - RIU HOTEL
P. 4

            Thursday 23 November 2017

            A Thanksgiving Tradition:

            Three Families Converge on Aruba for 10  Anniversary!

            PALM BEACH - Ten years ago on the beaches
            of Aruba three families were blessed to have
            met  each  other.    The  Giannopoulos’,  Babi-
            gian’s,  and  Vincenti’s  have  enjoyed  every
            year  at  the  Marriott  together  since.  These
            three families have become one and have
            watched their children grow and even marry.

            As  in  past  years  they  have  once  again
            graced the beach with a sand sculpture for
            all to enjoy.
            From a turkey, to a snowman, to a shark, and
            now the latest addition of a life size iguana.
            Thank you Aruba for ten years of awesome
            The boys also went on a deep sea fishing trip
            to celebrate their 10  anniversary! The fami-
            lies  enjoyed  fresh  tuna  and  barracuda  for
            lunch on the beach!q
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