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P. 11
LOCAL Friday 16 February 2018
Social Entrepreneur James Ocalia in Cooperation with HopeAruba Movement:
‘Sustainable Agriculture for Healthier Locals and Rehabilitated Drug Addicts’
Continued from Page 14 thing for Aruba’s traditional may have their zucchini
veggies and fruits, since and tomatoes, but Aruba
Make a Difference he was a kid. “I wrote a has her concomber chikito
To make a difference is book, ‘My favorite Cura- and yambo. Our genera-
where both connect. “I caos and Aruban Dishes’, tion does not know how
myself want to make a dif- and found myself asking to cook with our own veg-
ference for my island from my granny how to prepare gies, we often are kings in
my passion: sustainable traditional dishes with lo- preparing meals coming
agriculture. My goal is to cal veggies. We need to from the Italian or other for-
have locals eating the typi- implement them into mod- eign gastronomy, but what
cal Aruban veggies and ern cooking to preserve this about our own culture?”
be healthier.” He has a diamond of culture. Italians His drive is contagious
and creates a curiosity to-
wards the real taste of lo-
cal gastronomy. “In my
opinion three ingredients
are necessary to develop
social enterprise: the social
aspect, the environmen-
tal aspect and support of
economic pillars, in Aru-
ba’s case, tourism.” If you
wish to see Cas Speransa
Nobo for yourself and buy
some real local crops, you
are welcome at Alto Vista
52 between 1 and 4pm
daily, except for the week-
ends. Facebook: Goshen
Sustainable Development
James Ocalia in the nursery green house. Corporation VBA.q Concomber chikito in the grow.