Page 12 - HOH
P. 12
CLASSIFIED Friday 18 OctOber 2019
Halley Time Travel Hospital 7:00 pm / 10:00pm
Tel. 527 4000
Marriott Ocean Club
Gold Season San Nicolas
1 br Ocean View $4500 IMSAN 24 Hours
2 br Ocean View $7000 Tel.524 8833
1 br Ocean Front $7500 Women in Difficulties
2 br Ocean Front $14,000 PHARMACY ON DUTY
Renaissace Suites Oranjestad:
1 br WK 32 and 35 $2750 each Eagle Tel. 587 9011
3rd floor pool/ ocean view San Nicolas:
Aloe Tel. 584 4606
This 2017 photo provided by Marin Humane shows an owl who Women in Difficulties
had gotten caught up in some decorative Halloween cobwebs Marriott Surf Club OTHER
outside of a residence in Mill Valley, Calif. Gold Season Dental Clinic 587 9850
Associated Press 2 br Garden View $5000 Blood Bank Aruba 587 0002
2 br Ocean View $7000
Some tips to make 2 br Ocean Side $8500 Urgent Care 586 0448
Walk-In Doctor’s Clinic
+297 588 0539
2 br Ocean Front $14,000
Halloween decor less 3 br Ocean View $12,500 Women in Difficulties
scary for wildlife Paradise Beach Villas Police 100
527 3140
2 br town House WK # 40 /41
527 3200
Pool / Ocean View on eagle
beach Sta. Cruz 527 2900
584 5000
San Nicolas
Associated Press Lisa Bloch, director of com- $6000 each Police Tipline 11141
Fake cobwebs and some munications for the Marin Divi Links Golf $5000 Ambulancia 911
other spooky, outdoor Hal- Humane in Novato, Cali- 1 br wk 40 biulding 10 Fire Dept. 115
loween decorations meant fornia. When they're strung 2sd floor 33 weeks remain Red Cross 582 2219
as harmless fun can do real across bushes and trees,
damage to wildlife. "wildlife can easily get La Cabana Beach and Casino TAXI SERVICES
Halloween spending has stuck in these webs." 1 br and studio WK # 41 Taxi Tas 587 5900
skyrocketed in recent The fake webs can trap Ground floor Sunday check in Prof. Taxi 588 0035
Taxi D.T.S.
587 2300
years, and the National animals, said Alison Her- 1 br and Studio WK # 41 Taxi Serv. Aruba 583 3232
Retail Federation says mance of WildCare, a non- Ground floor A1 Taxi Serv. 280 2828
Americans are expected profit wildlife hospital and Friday check in 1 br $4000 , Women in Difficulties
to spend $2.7 billion on Hal- nature education center in Studio $3000 TRAVEL INFO
loween decorations this San Rafael, California. Birds 1 br wk #43 sunday check in
year. caught in them can dam- 2sd floor pool/ocean view $3500 Aruba Airport 524 2424
Wildlife organizations say age their wings and claws. American Airlines 582 2700
they also have seen an Chipmunks and other low- Renaissance Suites Avianca 588 0059
Jet Blue
588 2244
increase in animal visits to to the-ground rodents can 1 br WK # 41/42 $5500 each Surinam 582 7896
local rehabilitation centers also get caught and dam- 5th floor pool/ocean view
for injuries related to the age their paws. Costa Linda Beach Resort Women in Difficulties
outdoor holiday decora- If you observe an animal in CRUISES
tions. trouble, always call a wild- 2 br wk # 41 and 42
"The fake cobwebs are of life center before interven- Ground floor pool/ocean view
particular concern," said ing, Bloch said.q $25 K both or wk 42 $12,850
Costa Linda Beach Resort
2 br wk 43 ocean view 2sd floor October 19
La Qiunta Zaandam
wk 44 ground floor pool October 20
Odd year $ 3500 Women in Difficulties
House , condo , Land and AID FOUNDATIONS
and time Share FAVI- Visually Impaired
Aruba Divi Phoenix Tel. 582 5051
For rent $700 Alcoholics Anonymous
Studio 26 October 2 November Tel. 736 2952
2019 Narcotics Anonymous
Tel. 583 8989
For Sale Women in Difficulties
Studio Wk 43 $5000 Tel. 583 5400
4th floor 29 weeks remain Centre for Diabetes
Tel. 524 8888
Call: 630 1307 Child Abuse Prevention Tel. 582 4433 Quota Club Tel. 525 2672
facebookpage:resales&realty Women in Difficulties
General Info
Phone Directory Tel. 118