Page 42 - min.vos dec 2,2015
P. 42
Wednesday 2 December
Ravens win as time expires
on blocked field goal return
TOM WITHERS nication issue with the side-
AP Sports Writer
CLEVELAND (AP) — Will Hill line and the QB couldn’t
returned a blocked field
goal 64 yards for a touch- get out of bounds after
down as time expired, giv-
ing the Baltimore Ravens a a scramble, forcing the
33-27 win Monday over the
luckless Cleveland Browns. Browns to call a timeout.
The Browns, meanwhile,
lost their sixth straight game But as Coons, who was 18
along with starting quarter-
back Josh McCown. for 18 this season, lined up
Travis Coons lined up to
kick a potential game- for his long kick, it appeared
winning 51-yard field goal
with 3 seconds to go for the the Ravens were on their
Browns (2-9), but it was de-
flected by defensive end way to another close loss.
Brent Urban, who was play-
ing his first NFL game for All 11 of Baltimore’s games
the injury-riddled Ravens
(4-7). Hill scooped it up have been decided by
and rumbled down the left
sideline for an improbable less than eight points, and
win, stunning a Cleveland
crowd which moments ear- the Ravens have been on
lier was ready to celebrate.
Ravens quarterback Matt the wrong side of most of
Schaub, making his first
start since 2013, threw two those.
touchdown passes.
McCown injured his collar- However, Urban got some
bone in the fourth quarter
and was replaced by Aus- penetration on the line and
tin Davis, whose 42-yard TD
pass to Travis Benjamin tied got his hand on Coon’s low
it with 1:47 remaining.
The Browns appeared to kick. Hill took it from there,
be in position to pull out a
comeback win after cor- finding his way to the end
nerback Tramon Williams
intercepted Schaub with zone.
50 seconds left at Balti-
more’s 46. Schaub finished 20 of 34 for
But as Cleveland attempt-
ed to get closer for Coons, 232 yards and his first TDs
Davis wasted valuable
time because of a commu- since Dec. 23, 2013.
McCown, who has played
hurt most of this season
and was only starting be-
cause Johnny Manziel got
benched, was 21 of 38 for
212 yards and a TD.
Cleveland linebacker
Karlos Dansby picked off
Schaub and returned it 52
yards for a TD in the third
quarter to give the Browns
a 20-17 lead, the first time
they’ve been ahead in a
game since the first half
against Arizona on Nov. 1
— a span of more than 173
But they weren’t up for long
as Schaub countered with
his second scoring pass, a
15-yarder to Kamar Aiken
to put the Ravens ahead
24-20 with 5:30 left in the
third quarter.q
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