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                                                                                                           LOCAL Wednesday 14 december 2022

            Aruba Tourism Authority honored loyal

            visitors at Marriot’s Aruba Ocean Club

            The  Aruba  Tourism  Author-  Ms.  Olga  Ruiz  representing  ers Aruba their home away
            ity   recently   recognized  the  Aruba  Tourism  Author-  from home!
            the  Goodwill  Ambassador  ity,  and  members  of  the
            of  Aruba  by  presenting  Marriott's  Aruba  Ocean  Top  reason  for  returning
            the  Ambassador  with  the  Club  bestowed  the  certifi-  to Aruba, provided by the
            Goodwill  certificate  as  a  cation  of  the  Ambassador  honoree was:
            token  of  appreciation  for  and  presented  the  Am-    The beaches, the people
            visiting  the  island  for  more  bassador  with  gifts,  and  The water purified in Aruba
            than 20 years consecutive-   thanked them on behalf of  drinkable
            ly.                          the  Government  of  Aruba  The people, the hospitality
                                         for choosing Aruba as their  The  culture  everyone  is  so
            Honoree was: Harvey Marx  favorite  vacation  destina-    warm & welcoming
            residents of New York, Unit-  tion for so many years. The  Aruba  is  my  home  away
            ed States                    Honoree  definitely  consid-  from homeq

                                         Can I have a …, please?

                                         ORANJESTAD  —  Want  to  also  a  good  option,  it’s  a
                                         taste   something    differ-  stick  made  out  of  cheese
                                         ent  for  a  change??  How  or  hotdog.  If  you  want  to
                                         about a different breakfast  try  something  more  famil-
                                         from what you are used to  iar  go  for  a  homemade
                                         at  your  hotel.  Hop  in  your  hamburger  or  a  ham  and
                                         car, drive around and any-   cheese toast, but with a lo-
                                         where  around  the  island  cal touch. All these snacks
                                         you will come across a lo-   are  ridiculously  addictive.
                                         cal snack shop.              Freshen up with a delicious
                                                                      fruit  shake  (batido)  made
                                         Here  you  will  find  all  types  out  of  watermelon,  straw-
                                         of  snacks  loved  by  the  lo-  berry, banana, papaya or
                                         cals. Try a pastechi, a Ca-  just  mix  any  fruit  together.
                                         ribbean  pastry  filled  with  What  makes  these  little
                                         cheese  or  meat  and  fried  snack  shops  more  attrac-
                                         up  deliciously.  Or  per-   tive  is  the  warmth  of  its
                                         haps  you  might  want  to  people and with the smile
                                         try  a  croquette,  a  crusty  you are being served.q
                                         little meat ball. A dedito is
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