Page 16 - AHATA
P. 16

LocAL           Wednesday 11 april 2018

                                                                                                         implement this. “Paperless meetings and en-
                                                                                                         ergy-saving  processes  are  necessary  for  the
                                                                                                         future.  Besides  that  I  cannot  stress  enough
                                                                                                         that communication is the golden key in ev-
                                                                                                         ery organization. You prevent problems and
                                                                                                         people  getting  upset  if  you  communicate
                                                                                                         and explain.” Lucky for her the connection at
                                                                                                         Casa del Mar between colleagues and both
                                                                                                         members is a strong one, standing as a brick
                                                                                                         house, strong and steady. “It is all connected
                                                                                                         here, members and workers know each other
                                                                                                         by name. That binds us together as more than
                                                                                                         just colleagues.”

                                                                                                                Juan E. Irausquin Boulevard 51
                                                                                                                      Oranjestad, Aruba
                                                                                                                       T + 297 582 7000

              ‘Communication is a big part of my job’

              Casa del Mar Beach Resort & Timeshare offers you paradise: an oceanfront location
              on the white sandy Eagle Beach, the amazing blue-green colored Caribbean ocean,
              wonderful luxury oceanfront or poolside timesharing suites and a world of amenities
              like spa, restaurant, pool and fitness. Behind the screens of this success there is a
              web of people, working to make all possible every single day. One of the energiz-
              ing forces is the Executive Assistant, you could say the centipede of the resort. Meet
              Marinela Stevens!

              Marinela is very modest, as proven in the fact that it took her some effort to talk about
              what she does. “I never think of emphasizing what I do, but when I started to prepare
              for this interview, I concluded that I do a lot”, she laughs. In her role as an Executive
              Assistant she supports the General Manager and the Financial Comptroller. “I actual-
              ly provide assistance to all management staff, whenever they need something, I am
              the one they turn to. Somebody told me once as a joke: you manage our managers.
              I am like their right hand.” Marinela’s work involves; checking the incoming emails
              and informing the management team of what they need to know for the daily OPS
              (operation meetings) that happen every morning with all managers to share what is
              planned for the day. “I plan all meetings and I provide the managers with information
              I get from members, as I am in the executive office functioning as a central meeting
              point.” she says smiling. Marinela attends the members meetings every Wednesday
              where she does the minutes, she creates the newsletter for the members, records
              meetings, modernizes the administration process, updates the guest service direc-
              tory, arranges Board Meetings and much more. “I was very happy when within a year
              after I was hired I got awarded with Employee of The Quarter and Employee of the
              Year Awards.”

              Life is Like a Box of Chocolates
              … You Never Know What you are Gonne Get. It is Marinela’s favorite quote and
              describes her job and attitude in life perfectly. “My job is connecting, binding, com-
              municating and making sure all department heads are communicating with each
              other, I do it with pride.” One of her goals is to create an environmentally friendly
              work place and she certainly uses her working experience from The Netherlands to

                             Casa del Mar would like to welcome

                          you to their family of owners with suits
                          available for sale or rental year round.
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