Page 10 - Elmar
P. 10
Ta anuncia fayecimento di Ventilator cendi por poco a
kima cas completo
Jeffrey Duinkerk ORANJESTAD (AAN): personal di brandweer y po-
Hopi biaha a mustra den lis mester a presenta debi na y nan a mira candela paden.
Hungador di nos team publicacionnan cu ventilator- candela cu tabata sali for di E candela lo a wordo causa
Hopi forza na su famianan den momentonan nan y fannan cu ta keda cendi e cas. debi cu un ventilator a keda
oranan largo, ta keinta y por Ora polis a yega ya e bomb- cendi. E camber a sufri daño
dificil aki. haya fayo tecnico debi na e eronan tabata pagando e can- di huma y di awa. Na e mo-
cayente y causa candela. dela y e dirigente a laga sa mentonan ey no tabata tin
Fundacion pa Personanan cu un Deficiencia Esaki aparentemente a pasa cu ora nan a yega no tabata informe relaciona cu e habi-
Intelectual Aruba cu honda pena ta anuncia tambe diamars mainta na tin hende na cas. Nan a mira tante y bisiñanan a keda di
Juana Morto Complex unda huma ta sali for di un camber tene bista te ora e yega cas.
fayecimento di
The 91st Psalm Ladronnan a
Sr. Henricus B.A. Weustink He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High forza porta pa
Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty kibra, drenta
Na bida Miembro di nos Directiva
Nos ta extende nos mas profundo condolencia y ta desea With deep sorrow and sadness but in y horta
hopi forza na e famianan accordance with God’s Holy Will that we
announce the passing of our dearly beloved ORANJESTAD (AAN: A
Cu Sr. Henk sosega na paz. sister, sister-in-law, aunt, great-aunt, great- bira cu no por pasa un dia
Alumnonan, Klientenan, Personal, Gerencia y Directiva great-aunt, cousin, godmother, friend, ex- riba e isla sin cu por lo menos
colleague and neighbour: na un cas kiebro y ladronicia
di SVGA ta tuma lugar. E biaha aki po-
Cynthia Felicia Sharpe lis a sali pa Bubali relaciona
PISTON RACING TEAM cu kiebra den un cas cu ta
Better known as nurse “Sharpe or Miss Sharpe”. wordo alquila. Nan a papia
To live in the hearts we leave behind is not to die. Former employee of LAGO Oil & Transport Co Hospital and cu e homber P. cu ta cuida e
It is with deep sadness and sorrow that Piston Racing cas cu a bisa cu dialuna ano-
Medical Center, chi 9.30 or el a bandona e
Team announces the passing away of our beloved Former shop steward of IOWA, cas lagando tur cos cera y
friend and teammate Former member of Mascaruba Theater Group. intacto. Pero diamars mainta
Sunrise: 18 June 1937 Sunset: 10 June 2015 6.30 or e poolboy a tuma
Jeffrey Duinkerk contacto cune telefonica-
Brothers and sisters: mente y a declara cu porta di
We extend our sincere condolences to his family. Leoncio F Sharpe +, USA e cas tabata habri.
May our dear God grand them strength in these Roberto and Mariana Sharpe-Vanterpool, USA Ora el a yega el a ripara cu
Ramon and Lucy Sharpe-Bardouille, Aruba e porta a wordo forza. El a
difficult times. Lidia Sharpe +, Netherlands drenta y controla y a constata
May Jeffrey rest in peace. Louisa (Elvira) De Palm-Sharpe y EsposoJ uan de Palm, Aruba cu un flatscreen television
Hugo Sharpe and Jacky, Venezuela marca Toshiba no tabata tey
Pa avisonan di morto Julieta Moons-Sharpe, Aruba mas.
Roy and Jose Sharpe-Swart, Netherlands Desconocinan a forza e porta Dennis Sharpe +, Germany pa drenta y horta.
Denise (Dotty) Sharpe, Netherlands
Rita De Caluwe-Sharpe, Netherlands Palo di luz
Franklin Sharpe +, Aruba na candela
na Babijn
Nephews and nieces:
Sharpe, De Palm, Peterson, Van Kordelaer, Moons, Vandormael, ORANJESTAD (AAN):
Croes, Martina, Cham, Wright, Spieker, Prinssen, De Caluwe, Diamars madruga mas o me-
Dirne nos 3 or y mey polis a sali
atrobe relaciona cu un in-
Other relatives: forme cu a drenta cu tin un
Aleman, Vanterpool, Bardouille, De Palm, Moons, Swart, palo di luz na candela.
De Caluwe, Van Heynigen, Philips, Chittick, Bryson, Syras,
Brown, Smith, Richardson, Tearr, Poterson, Hanson, Henson, E biaha aki tabata na Babi-
Hamlet, Carty, Romney, Beauperthuy, Rolon, Cannegieter, jn. Personal di Brandweer
Gumbs, Lejuez, Eights, James, Van Dinter a yega y a paga e candela
mientras cu personal di El-
Special cousins: mar a kita e cabelnan cu ta-
Patsy, Kay Linda, Anna and Priscilla Phillips bata riba caminda. A keda di
Bernadine and Gerard van Veen haci reparacionnan necesario
Good friend:Rev. Fr. ManuelAntao SVD durante dia.
Special friends (who were constantly at her side):
Mrs Eveline White-Muller, Brendita Adams, Erundine van
Heynigen, Shirley Prescott, Silvie Monte, Marcella Richardson
, Ruby Cannegieter, MargrietSponsfer, Miss Alma Peterson,
Dawn and fam., Mrs Ina Halley and fam., Rose Lake and fam.,
Charlotte B’Semple, Susan Mohr.
Ex-colleagues of St.Rose Hospital, Wit GeleKruis and SunDial
Friends of her Prayer Groups and of the Wit GeleKruis Union
Neighbours in Aruba: Amaya, Arends, Anthony, Varlack.
She was also a member of CBZ Union of Curacao.
Please accept our most sincere apologies if we forgot to mention
anyone during our moments of grief.
The funeral service will take place on Saturday June 20th,
2015at the St. Theresia Church in San Nicolas. The body will
be laid out from 9:00am to 11:00am. The funeral service will
commence at 11:00am, followed by interment at the Catholic
Cemetery of San Nicolas.
May Her Soul Rest in Eternal Peace.
Staff and Management of Ad Patres funeral home extend
theirmost sincere condolences to thefamily.
Condolences can be sent through our e-mail address or
f u n e r al h o m e Van Rensselaerstraat 2
Family owned and operated