Page 26 - ARUBA BANK 9 MAART 2016
P. 26

Pagina 4                                                                                                                Diarazon 9 Maart 2016

Inscripcion pa e estudio                                                 ANNOUNCEMENT
pa maestro di Enseñanza
Primario na IPA ta cera                                      Management and Shareholders of BBA Bank N.V.
awe dia 9 di Maart                                           hereby announce that in the extra ordinary general
                                                             Shareholders’ meeting of March 4th, 2016, it was

                                                             resolved to dissolve and liquidate BBA Bank N.V. as per June 15th,


                                                             After opening of the offshore operations in 2009 the climate in the
                                                             international financial
                                                             community for the offshore banking industry has encountered several
                                                             challenging hurdles that have blocked profitable growth.
                                                             Other personal circumstances have also played a role in this voluntary
                                                             cease of operations.

                                                             All depositors and creditors will be reimbursed and paid.

                                                             Oranjestad, March 8th, 2016

Diarazon dia 9 di Maart       Tur persona cu ta

Instituto  Pedagogico         interesa pa bira maestro

Arubano (IPA) ta tene un      di enseñanza primario

anochi di informacion pa      por pasa na Studenten

tur studiante di HAVO,        Services di IPA entre 8’or

VWO, EPI, IBERO y tur         di mainta cu 12’or di merdia

otro persona interesa pa      y entre 1or cu 3:30 di atardi

haci e estudio pa maestro     pa inscribi. Pa por inscribi

di enseñanza primario na      na IPA mester trece e papel

IPA. E estudio aki ta forma   di registro civil (papel di

maestro cu ta cualifica       AWG 5,-), si a gradua caba

pa duna les na mucha di       copia di diploma di sea

kleuter- y of school basico.  HAVO, VWO, MBO nivel

Tur persona cu ta interesa    4 of IBERO. E gastonan di

ta bonbini na e anochi di     inscripcion ta AWG 75,-. E

informacion cu lo cuminsa     ultimo fecha pa inscribi ta

pa 7’or di anochi den Sala    dia 9 di Maart pa motibo di

Madonna di IPA (Isaac         varios test di admision cu e

Wagemakerstraat 11, San       interesado mester cumpli

Nicolas).                     cune. Despues di e fecha

                              aki no por inscribi mas

Durante e anochi di           pa aña academico 2016-
informacion lo duna
informacion general di        2017. Pa mas informacion
e estudio pa maestro
pa enseñanza primario.        por tuma contacto cu
Ademas di esaki lo elabora
riba e procedura y prueba     Studenten Services na
di admision cu mester
cumpli cune.                  5243100 of por bishita

                              nos pagina di facebook

                              ‘Instituto  Pedagogico

                              Arubano’ of nos website

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