Page 53 - MIN VOS JUNI 25 2015
P. 53
25 JUNI 2015
Amigoe Express is a daily publication in English by Uitgeverij Amigoe N.V.
Every Thursday Amigoe will publish various articles featured during the past week.
Hard Work and Faith
vents Giovani Zanolino
NIGHTLIFE “Hard work beats talent, when talent doesn’t work hard.” When it
comes to art many common things are said like, “very talented art-
Kachaka Thursday ist” or “such a gift”. Talent definitely plays a role, but how that talent
June 25, 10 PM is developed and nurtured determine how skillful and prolific the art-
The Alley ist becomes. Giovani Zanolino takes the natural talent that he was
Red Cup Karaoke Night blessed with and has spent most of his life and career honing his craft
June 25, 9 PM to become the best artist he can be. Following in the footsteps of his
TMF artistic father, Phillipe Zanolino, Giovani works and works to create art
Full Moon Party that best captures the feeling and emotion he is trying to convey. On
June 26, 10 PM the whole, the level of success Giovani strives for has more to do with
Kokomo Beach the time and energy he puts in and not the “talent” or “gift” he was
Juni Nuliet born with.
June 26, 8 PM
Papagayo By Francis Koolman might consider art. One such method that is tal medium, for example Final Cut and Photo-
Doblerr and Era Autentiko new and groundbreaking to some is the combi- shop, allows Giovani to explore a new path in
June 26, 10 PM - 3 AM Giovani had the fortune of growing up doing ex- nation of not only styles of art such as collages, the artistic world. Also, an important reoccur-
Nolly’s Party Center actly what he is doing now. His father being a paintings, and digital art, but of art pieces them- ring theme he uses in his pieces is contrast;
Dance Classics respected and established artist himself with a selves. Giovani combines the art he has cre- light and dark, realism and surrealism, and of
June 26, 8.30 PM ferocious work ethic, Giovani learned from an ated with the art created by his father, Phillipe. course pictures and paintings. It is something
Cabana Beach early age what being an artist is all about. Begin- While controversial to some, the way Giovani unique created out of the old school and new
Wine & Bites ning with his art education from his father and views it, art is a combination of all the influences school.
June 26, 5 PM continuing it at ArtEZ in Zwolle, Netherlands, he an artist has acquired throughout their journey
Servir Frais has taken all the knowledge he has acquired and all the materials and information they can One of the ways in which Giovani approaches
Beursalen Party from all the teachers, experiences, and past get their hands on is fair game to serve their art is a genuine curiosity with the human condi-
June 26, 10 PM works to create his own style. Every style of art creative expression. Giovani uses the modern tion; “what’s going on?” Much of his influence
District 1850 from collages, paintings, sketches, pastels and digital technology and finds the right combina- comes from Eastern philosophy such as Bud-
Amsterdam City Opening digital art, Giovani draws inspiration from for his tion of the work his father has created and the dhism to Hinduism. One of the main ideas of
Party pieces. If you take a closer look at his art pieces, work he has created himself; think Natalie Cole Eastern philosophy is that we are all one. That
June 26, 10 PM you see more layers and textures; a picture of recording an album with her late father Nat King idea is expressed in the way Giovani combines
Amsterdam City 2Pac surrounds by a specific color scheme, or a Cole. so many different kinds of art styles. For him,
Haring Party piece of art that combines painting and pictures. “truth” is essential in creating any kind of art;
June 26, 7 PM-9 PM All told Giovani has accumulated an estimated By using digital technology to mix all the differ- “truth” is beyond any emotions and ideas. And
Ginger 1400 pieces of art so far with more still to come. ent kinds of art, Giovani is doing his part expand whatever artistic medium he uses best captures
Noche Latina the definition of art – “moving it forward.” The the truth he is trying to convey. In the end, the
June 26, 8 PM Like many artists, Giovani strives to push the technology of oil paint allowed artists like Wil- message of the art remains the same regard-
Vegas 360 limits of his own creativity and what others liam Blake and Leonardo Da Vinci to create less of the style in which it is expressed; love
Brigitte Bourret their famous works. The technology of the digi- and truth.
June 26, 8 PM
27 Bar IN LIGHTtSSThPhpeeoOt T
June 26, 11 PM How do we Why Are That soccer isn’t only a men’s sport is The Dutch
27 Bar define lazy? We So Lazy becoming clearer the last years. Inter- Caribbean
Premiere Clip ‘Papia national footballing women are gaining Women’s
Papiamentu ku mi’ As per Oxford Dic- petent enough to accomplish the task. popularity and, more important, com- Soccer Cup is
June 27, 8 PM tionary, we call a Their lack of Self Confidence leads to peting on high levels. The Caribbean just the start
Hemingway Beach person lazy when he reluctance to perform task. They need isn’t staying behind and on June the
Welcome to the Diplomatic is unwilling to work to understand that experience comes finds it difficult to achieve bigger goals. 26th the first Dutch Caribbean Women’s
World or use energy. Lazi- through action only. We have to make It gets scared thereby giving us numer- Soccer Cup starts at Saint Martin. The
June 27, 8 PM ness is characterized a first attempt at whatever we want to ous reasons why we should abandon cup is an initiative of The Oualichi Wom-
Oliver by lack of effort or achieve. We may fail or we may suc- that goal. Hence it makes sense to en’s Soccer Association in Saint Martin.
Roots Rock Reggae ceed in first attempt. It is immaterial. break bigger goals into smaller achiev- Danaë Daal (29), born and raised in Cu-
June 27, 10 PM activity. Even if we fail, ultimately we will suc- able tasks. Take small steps. Taste suc- raçao, founded this association in 2012
27 Bar ceed in following attempts. So what is cess with small achievable tasks. for the simple reason she wanted to play
Juni Juliet By Anoop K Gupta important is to make a start. soccer.
June 27, 8 PM Take the feel of success - Feeling of By Elisa Koek
Saint Tropez Is laziness just a habit? Some people have developed the habit being successful and sense of ac-
2nd Mercato Italiano of laziness because they have certain complishment is amazing. The more “I always played soccer when I grew up in
June 27, 7 PM Jason Selk, St. Louis Cardinals Men- health issue which affects their perfor- you succeed in your life, the more mo- Curaçao”, Danaë tells about her youth. Dur-
Osteria Rosso tal Training Director, also Owner and mance and restricts their ability to act tivated you are to take new challenges. ing her study in Holland she continued play-
I love Hip Hop and R&B President of Enhanced Performance fast. You just need to start on the journey of ing, but when she moved to Saint Martin for
June 27 explains “Laziness is not a personality success with small achievable goals her job, she was confronted with a problem.
Club Elevate disorder. It’s just a habit. Lazy thinking There are others who are not willing to and then there will be no looking back. “There weren’t any female soccer teams on
Farley & The Inity Band and lazy behaviour, like any other hab- change. They have become lazy be- the island. People told me that it wouldn’t
June 27, 5 PM its, can be broken. Laziness isn’t some- cause their mind-set is just not ready Observe successful people around work so I placed an ad in the newspaper.”
Zanzi Bar thing we’re born with. It’s a behaviour to accept changes. They are happy to you - In all walks of life, you will find
Forest Party we learned along the way.” lead a life of misery but not willing to majority who are mediocre in their field Danae received a great many responses, far What the result of the first Caribbean World
June 27 bring positive changes in their life. and select few who are at top and do- more than she thought and started The Oua- Cup will become is a big mystery. Curaçao
Het Achtertuintje What makes a person ing exceptionally well. Make it a habit lichi Women’s Soccer Association. “I never and Surinam have a longer history in wom-
Curaçao Musical Night lazy? How to overcome to observe successful people around expected it to become this big. We have three en’s soccer: most of these girls are playing
June 27, 8:30 PM laziness? you. They could be businessmen, groups now: youth, teenagers and women.” for years. Bonaire and Saint Martin are both
Landhuis Brakkeput Mei Mei What is it that leads a person to inac- Professionals, Sports Players, artists, Danaë herself is quite the player too. How- starters when it comes to women’s soccer.
tion? A person may be unwilling to work Take action - No doubt planning is im- film stars etc. What differentiates Go- ever, when she grew up there wasn’t much However, the ball is round. “Anything can
ART & CULTURE or use energy for short duration under portant. But planning without execution getters is their attitude and personal- attention for women’s soccer yet. “I think I’m happen. Most important is that we learn from
peculiar circumstances or it is also won’t yield any results. You need to ity. They have clarity on the basics of a bit too old to become professional, but for each other and hopefully build a network of
Kids Happy Hour possible that longer period of inaction take action. So the first step is realiza- how to be successful in their respective young girls there’re chances now. Women Dutch speaking Caribbean women soccer
June 26, 5 PM - 8 PM has developed into a habit of laziness. tion on our part that we have become fields. And they follow it with a positive can also become paid soccer players. The countries. Who knows Holland will join us
Landhuis Bloemhof There could be several reasons for lazi- lazy. The next step is to identify the rea- mind-set. salary isn’t the same as for men, but it’s a too eventually. This Caribbean Cup is just
50th Anniversary Wabi Club ness. sons leading to the habit of laziness. If you watch these people, you will find start. With the right training our girls here the start.”
June 27, 10 AM - 11 PM In offices, you will find some people This will help us take necessary correc- that they enjoy their work and they might be able to become a professional
Hofi Bill who always try various excuses to tive actions. Overcome fear of failure don’t get tired even after long hours abroad.” Danae herself is ready to kick some ball next
Imagine Circus Show avoid taking additional work. They be- - Fear of failure delays our response of work. The reason is simple. They week. Together with her sister she’ll be play-
June 27, 28, 4 PM - 7 PM lieve if they take a new task, then ul- to problematic situations and difficult are enjoying success. The sense of To provide proper training and to push girls ing for Saint Martin and no matter who wins,
International School timately they will be made responsible goals. But all this while, our mind won’t achievement keeps them highly moti- to get the best out of them, they need to she’ll enjoy every second. “I help organizing
of Curacao for that task on a daily basis. They fail stop worrying. If you actually think, you vated and keeps them going. You will compete more and that’s why Danaë start- this event, but I need to keep playing too. If I
CuraJazz to realize that those who are reluctant will find that it is a lot easier to actually always find them charged up. You will ed organizing this competition. “We want to wouldn’t, I would lose touch with the sport. At
June 27, 8 PM to take additional job responsibilities at face a problem/challenge in life than find them always motivated and having cram the girls for international competitions. the end, I started Oualichi to be able to play.”
Hofi Centro Cultural Korsou work will ultimately be ignored by their to try to avoid that problem. The time positive attitude. They believe chal- They need to compete with the region before
Exhibition: “Museums for a bosses for promotions and better ap- spent in fear of failure just sucks hap- lenges are bound to come. You cannot their level meets international standards and Schedule:
sustainable society” praisals. piness from your life. The moment you avoid them. What you can do is to find that’s where we’re working on.” According to Friday 26th of June:
Till July 1, 9 AM - 4.30 PM are ready to face a problem with a posi- ways and means to handle challenges Danae almost half of the girls she meets is 07 PM: Bonaire – Sint Maarten
Jewish Cultural Historical Another reason for such behaviour is tive mind-set, nature will come to your and find solutions to the problems. And talented and might have a shot at becom- 08.30 PM: Curacao – Suriname
Museum that they fear the more work they do rescue with multiple solutions to your that is their job. ing professional. The only thing they lack is Saturday 27th of June:
Photo exposition -Life- more will be the chances of making problem. So it’s better to give it a try. professional training and competitions. “And 06 PM: Curaçao – Sint Maarten
dedicated to mistakes. So it is better to shy away Article Source: http://EzineArticles. that’s what our goal is. If we look at Costa 07.30 PM: Bonaire - Suriname
Dominga Tramm from new tasks. Actually, only those Break bigger goals into smaller achiev- com/9058936 Rica: it took them ten years to get the wom- Sunday 28th of June:
Till July 3 who work make mistakes. And Man- able tasks - For goals/challenges which en’s soccer team ready for the World Cup. 09 AM: Bonaire - Curaçao
Tramm Imaging agement knows it very well. Moreover requires greater efforts or are difficult to I hope we’ll be faster, but it will take a while 10.30 AM: Sint Maarten – Suriname
Dr. Hugenholtzweg mistakes always give you an opportuni- handle, for most of us obvious reaction and we need to invest in them.”
Loke m’a laga’tras ty to learn and grow. Hence we should is to avoid it if possible. Our mind-set
exhibition overcome this fear of making mistakes
Till July 4 if we want to grow.
Landhuis Bloemhof Many times people prefer inaction be-
Guera na Korsou?! cause they believe they are not com-
Till July 12
Curaçao Museum
Landhuis Ascencion tour
Thursdays at 8.30 AM
Landhuis Ascencion
Snip exhibition
Tuesday - Friday,
10 AM - 4PM