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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Tuesday 5 November 2019
            Family says suspect in acid

            attack is veteran, suffered PTSD

            By IVAN MORENO               "The  only  person  respon-  he  was  a  citizen  and  that
            Associated Press             sible  for  this  heinous  act  is   "everybody  came  from
            MILWAUKEE (AP) — Milwau-     the  person  who  commit-    somewhere  else  here,"  Vil-
            kee police arrested a man  ted it, and it's disgusting the   lalaz said.
            suspected of throwing bat-   mayor of Milwaukee would     That's  when  he  says  the
            tery  acid  on  a  Hispanic  rather  point  the  finger  at   man tossed acid at him. Vil-
            man who says his attacker  the president of the United    lalaz  turned  his  head,  and
            asked  him,  "Why  did  you  States  for  political  reasons   the liquid hit the left side of
            come here and invade my  instead       (of)   responsibly   his face.
            country?"                    confronting the violence in   Villalaz's  sister  told  The  As-  Mahud  Villalaz,  42,  of  Milwaukee  gestures  to  the  second-
            Police  said  Monday  they  his own community," Deere     sociated Press on Monday     degree burns on his face Saturday November 2, 2019 at a news
            arrested   a    61-year-old  said in a statement.         that  her  brother  believes   conference one day after a man threw acid at him outside a
            white  man  suspected  in  Jacqueline P. Blackwell, of    the  man  was  prepared      restaurant on Milwaukee's south side.
            Friday  night's  attack  and  California, told the Journal   and  wanted  to  attack                                            Associated Press
            were    investigating   the  Sentinel  that  her  son  had   someone.                  in  recent  years  through  of  Hate  and  Extremism  at
            case as a hate crime. They  moved to Milwaukee seek-      "He's  in  shock.  He  says  sharp rhetoric by anti-immi-  California  State  University-
            refused to release his name  ing  to  get  help.  She  said   he  can't  conceive  how  gration  groups  and  politi-  San  Bernardino,  released
            pending  charges,  but  the  she had not been in touch    someone  would  be  intent  cians, including Trump.       a study in July that found a
            Milwaukee Journal Sentinel  with him recently and had     on  harming  someone  like  Data  collected  by  the  FBI  9% increase in hate crimes
            identified him as Clifton A.  not heard of his arrest.    that,"  Villalaz  said  in  Span-  showed  a  17%  increase  in  reported to police in major
            Blackwell,  a  military  veter-  "I was comfortable that he   ish.                     hate crimes across the U.S.  U.S. cities in 2018.
            an whose mother said had  was getting good care with      She  said  her  brother  is  re-  in 2017, the third annual in-  Levin  found  a  modest
            struggled  with  post-trau-  the VA," she told the paper.  covering. She said the doc-  crease in a row.            decrease  in  bias  crimes
            matic stress.                Blackwell's brother, 63-year-  tor who treated him said it  Anti-Hispanic  incidents  in-  against  Hispanic  or  Latino
            Mahud  Villalaz  suffered  old Arthur Blackwell of Ever-  helped that he immediate-    creased  24%,  from  344  in  people — from 103 in 2017
            second-degree burns to his  green,  Colorado,  told  The   ly washed his face several  2016  to  427  in  2017,  ac-  to 100 in 2018 — in 10 major
            face.                        Associated  Press  on  Mon-  times  inside  a  restaurant.  cording to the FBI data.   cities,  including  New  York,
            He  said  the  attack  hap-  day that Blackwell "was not   His  family  created  a  Go-  Of  crimes  motivated  by  Chicago and Los Angeles.
            pened  after  a  man  con-   a  confrontational  person."   FundMe page to cover his  hatred over race, ethnicity  However,  Levin  has  said
            fronted him about how he  He  says  his  brother  served   medical expenses.           or  ancestry,  nearly  half  in-  the totals likely would have
            had parked his car and ac-   nearly four years in the U.S.   A report last year by the An-  volved  African  Americans,  increased  last  year  if  not
            cused  him  of  being  in  the  Marines.                  ti-Defamation League said  while about 11% were clas-     for an unexplained drop in
            U.S. illegally. Villalaz, 42, is a  State  court  records  show   extreme   anti-immigrant  sified as anti-Hispanic bias.  anti-Hispanic  bias  crimes
            U.S. citizen who immigrated  Blackwell  was  convicted    views  have  become  part  Brian  Levin,  director  of  reported  for  Phoenix,  from
            from Peru.                   in a 2006 Rusk County case   of the political mainstream  the  Center  for  the  Study  25 in 2017 to 10 in 2018.q
            The  attack  comes  amid  of  false  imprisonment  and
            a  spike  in  hate  crimes  di-  pointing a gun at a person.
            rected  at  immigrants  that  Details aren't available on-
            researchers  and  experts  line, but the Journal Sentinel
            on extremism say is tied to  reported the case involved
            mainstream political rheto-  Blackwell confronting men
            ric.                         who  had  come  onto  his
            Milwaukee Mayor Tom Bar-     farm  property  tracking  a
            rett  expressed  shock  at  deer.
            the  attack  and  blamed  Surveillance  video  shows
            President Donald Trump for  the confrontation but does
            inciting  hatred  against  mi-  not include audio.
            norities.  The  president  has  Villalaz  told  reporters  on
            repeatedly  referred  to  mi-  Saturday  that  he  was
            grants  attempting  to  cross  headed  into  a  Mexican
            the  U.S.-Mexico  border  as  restaurant for dinner when
            an "invasion."               a  man  approached  him
            "To single out someone be-   and told him, "You cannot
            cause  they're  from  a  His-  park here.
            panic origin is simply wrong.  You  are  doing  something
            And we know what's hap-      illegal."  He  said  the  man
            pening,"  Barrett,  a  Demo-  also accused him of being
            crat, said.                  in the U.S. illegally and of in-
            "Everybody  knows  what's  vading the country.
            happening.  It's  because  He  said  he  ignored  the
            the  president  is  talking  man  and  moved  his  truck
            about  it  on  a  daily  basis  to another block.
            that people feel they have  But  when  he  returned  to
            license to go after Hispanic  the  restaurant,  the  man
            people. And it's wrong."     was waiting for him with an
            White  House  spokesman  open bottle, Villalaz said.
            Judd Deere said the Trump  The  man  again  accused
            administration has "repeat-  him of being in the U.S. ille-
            edly  condemned  racism,  gally, Villalaz said.
            bigotry and violence."       He then told the man that
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