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                                                                                                           local Wednesday 10 august 2022

            Minister of Energy, Labor and Integration:

            Increase in price of water and electricity will be temporary

            ORANJESTAD  –  On  th  9th  the  use  of  heavy  fuel  oil
            of  December,  Aruba  took  (HFO)  for  the  production
            another  step  to  distinguish  of  electricity,  from  3.679
            itself  in  the  Caribbean  re-  Bbl  per  day,  to  around
            gion  as  the  first  country  to  2.800 Bbl per day. And af-
            operate  on  the  basis  of  ter  achieving  a  transition
            clean energy from 2024, on  of around 50 percent to re-
            the journey to fulfill the Paris  newable energy, further re-
            agreement by 2050.           duce the use of heavy fuel
                                         oil to less and 2.000 Bbl per
            In a press release, the min-  day by 2030.
            ister of Energy and the Sec-
            ond  Wever-Croes  Cabinet  Increase  solar  and  wind
            elaborated on their vision:  energy  from  20  percent  in
            The  management  of  the  2020, to 35 percent in 2024,
            field  of  energy  is  focused  with a minimum of 50 per-
            on  durability,  sustainability,  cent by 2030.
            accessibility and quality.
            It  is  focused  on  producing  Increase the use of electric
            energy  that  is  affordable,  vehicles  to  15  percent  by
            sustainable,  durable  and  2030.
            clean  for  companies  and
            households in Aruba.         Increase  energy  efficiency
                                         in  residences  and  compa-
            Reduce CO2 emissions with  nies with 15 percent in 2030.
            45 percent in the year 2030
            for  a  sustainable  environ-  Reduce  the  island’s  de-
            ment,  in  order  to  comply  pendence  and  consump-
            with the goals of the United  tion of crude oil in a transi-
            Nations  to  combat  the  ef-  tion to alternative solar and
            fects  of  global  warming  wind  energy,  on  the  path
            with 1.5° C.                 to  introducing  hydrogen
                                         energy.                      port  and  homes  in  Aruba.  vestors  and  operators  for  In  order  to  achieve  the
            Achieve  compliance  with                                 The  project  for  an  installa-  the refinery. The efforts will  implementation  of  the  na-
            the  Paris  agreement  for  According      to   minister  tion  of  LNG  will  make  it  so  continue  for  this.  Regard-  tional policy for Energy, it is
            2050, where Aruba will also  Croes,  the  national  policy  that Aruba can become a  ing the terrain and port ter-  important to realize the fol-
            contribute  to  a  healthy,  on energy has the goal of  hub to store said product in  minal  of  the  Refinery,  the  lowing points:
            sustainable    environment  diversifying energy sources.  the Caribbean.               government’s  intention  is  •      Actualize and mod-
            that is carbon neutral.                                                                that  under  the  economic  ernize the law and regula-
                                         Introduction  of  gas  will  Refinery  or  other  invest-  stimulus for and in San Nico-  tion of energy and drinking
            Through  improvement  in  bring  a  lot  of  benefits  to  ment                        las, to operate and reacti-  water.
            the efficiency of the Utilities  our country: for energy pro-  Regarding  the  Refinery,  vate the port and terminal  •    Restructure the cur-
            companies  through  proj-    duction, for refinery, on the  the  Government  and  RdA  in  question,  commercially  rent fee structure as a cat-
            ects  like  RECIP4/SWRO3,  it  industrial area, and eventu-  (Aruba’s   Refinery)   held  and industrially.         alyst for the energetic tran-
            will  be  possible  to  reduce  ally even automobilist trans-  meetings  with  different  in-                       sition. q

                                                                      Minister of Education and Sport

                                                                      received presentation from

                                                                      Caribbean Active Aging Congress

                                                                      awareness  and  activities  tober,  2022.    The  goal  will  be  local  and  interna-
                                                                      to  encourage  the  older  of  the  conference  is  to  tional  speakers.  The  topic
                                                                      adults  in Aruba to not be  bring  awareness,  and  to  of  the  congress  is  aging
                                                                      afraid,  remain  active,  not  prepare  Aruba  and  the  in  Aruba,  guidance  and
                                                                      to  sit  sill,  and  to  opt  for  a  Caribbean  regarding  the  support to the  caregivers,
                                                                      happier and healthier life.   aging population and the  palliative  care  in  Aruba,
                                                                                                  problems  that  come  with  as well as to prepare for a
              ORANJESTAD  –  Recently  of  older  adults,  organiz-   During  the  meeting,  Fun-  it if no action is taken right  better tomorrow.
              Minister  of  Education  and  ing  various  activities  and  dacion   Movemiento  now.  Equally  important  is
              Sport,  Endy  Croes  met  programs for this group in  ta  Bida  gave  the  sports  to increase the abilities of  Minister  Croes  thanked
              with Mr. Rudy Leysner, Mrs.  the  physical  sense,  sport,  minister  a  thorough  pre-  older adults to remain ac-  the  foundation  for  their
              Rosa  Leon  and  Mr.  Har-  as  well  as  the  social  and  sentation  of  their  project  tive  and  healthy  and  live  visit and presentation, and
              old  de  Miranda  from  the  educational aspect.        C.A.A.C.  II,  Caribbean  independently in the com-     said  they  can  count  on
              Fundacion     Movemiento                                Active  Aging  Congress,  munity.                       the support of the Ministry
              ta  Bida.  This  foundation  is  The  vision  and  mission  of  which  will  take  place  on                    of Sport.q
              focused on the well-being  the  foundation  is  to  bring  the  1st  and  2nd  of  Oc-  During the congress there
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