Page 83 - MIN TTC 11 JAN 2016
P. 83
LOCALMonday 11 January 2016
Count on Paseo Herencia Mall for Great Nightly Entertainment!
PALM BEACH - The pre- place every evening from
miere shopping center of 8:00 to 8:30pm, preceded
Palm Beach, Paseo Heren- and followed by their four-
cia, is also a spectacular times nightly Waltzing Wa-
place for dining, becoming ters show.
informed about island his- On Mondays Cultural Night,
tory and culture, and fam- on Tuesdays Local Talent
ily fun. Show, on Wednesdays
Best of all, the mall hosts Latin Night, on Thursdays
fantastic entertainment Fantasy Night, on Fridays
nightly in the Plaza Padu, Caribbean Pan Night on
and all the shows are ab- Saturdays Violin Night.
solutely FREE! The diverse Shops are open from 10am
lineup of top talent takes to 10pm.q