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A30 world news
Diamars 27 Juli 2021
Hungarians protest over alleged government spying
hire outfit NSO Group, such tools.” ciated Press.
infiltrates phones to collect Stummer said the opposition
personal data and location “It’s an illusion if anyone members of the committee
information, and can surrep- tries to make an issue out of would use all available means
titiously control the smart- it,” Varga said. to determine whether Hun-
phone’s microphones and gary’s government had pur-
cameras. In the case of jour- Monday’s protest was hosted chased the spyware, and to
nalists, hackers can spy on by several opposition politi- find out if it had unlawfully
reporters’ communications cal parties that have allied to targeted its political oppo-
with sources. challenge hard-line Hungar- nents.
ian Prime Minister Viktor
Since the publication of the Orban and his ruling Fidesz “One week later they’re still
investigation’s results, Hun- party in elections next year. saying it’s fake news, and
garian investigative journal- they expect this scandal will
ism outlet Direkt36 released Last week, three opposition die down and go quiet. The
its findings that the president members of Hungary’s par- way I see it, there will cer-
of the Hungarian Bar Asso- liamentary national secu- tainly be a continuation of
ciation, a former state secre- rity committee called for an this,” Stummer said.
(AP) — Around 1,000 pro- devices of around 300 indi- tary and an opposition mayor emergency session to ques-
testers in Hungary’s capi- viduals had been targeted by were also targeted with the tion government agencies on Gyorgy Ujlaki, 45, walked
tal on Monday demanded the spyware in the Central spyware. their potential involvement with Monday’s protest march
answers to allegations that European country — includ- in the spying. to the Fidesz party headquar-
the country’s right-wing ing at least 10 lawyers and Officials have declined to ters near Budapest’s expan-
government used pow- five journalists. confirm or deny whether the But on Monday, Fidesz sive city park.
erful spyware to secretly government used the Pega- members of the committee,
monitor critical journal- “This scandal shows we can- sus software, but have main- representing the majority “I found this outrageous. It is
ists, lawyers and business not talk about the rule of law tained that all secret surveil- of seats, boycotted the ses- just a new phase of Orban’s
figures. anymore in Hungary,” said lance activities are conducted sion, preventing questioning system which in the last 11
Anna Donath, a Hungarian in accordance with Hungar- of Interior Minister Sandor years has systematically dis-
The protest march, which lawmaker in the European ian law. Pinter. mantled the rule of law,” he
departed from a building that Union’s legislature who at- said.
housed the secret police of tended the demonstration. Speaking in Brussels last “I look at this as a confession
Hungary’s communist and “Our demand is the resigna- week, Justice Minister Judit on their part that they have “The correct thing for them
fascist regimes in the 20th tion of the government.” Varga wouldn’t say whether something to hide here,” to do would have been not
century, came more than a Hungary had purchased the committee chairman Janos spy on their political oppo-
week after a global investiga- The Pegasus malware, pro- spyware, but told reporters Stummer, of the right-wing nents, but now the best thing
tion suggested that the digital duced by Israeli hacker-for- that “every country needs Jobbik party, told The Asso- they can do is resign.”
Peru's new first family leaving behind rural, Andean home
(AP) — The humble two- she, her husband and two pandemic, increasing the family moves into the ornate des would like her children
story, adobe home of the children will live starting poverty level to almost one- presidential palace. to attend a university and a
Castillo family, located Wednesday. She also does not third of the population and state college. She said Arnold
in one of the poorest dis- know where the children will eliminating the gains of a de- Paredes is taking to Lima wants to study civil engineer-
tricts of Peru deep in the go to school once classes be- cade. some bags with food, includ- ing because he likes math.
Andes, feels a little empty gin. ing peas, beans, sweet corn
now. Lilia Paredes packed The typical presidential tran- flour and cheese that the “Alondrita will continue
up the family’s belongings “We don’t have any property sition process was derailed af- family makes at home after studying in a public school,
within the last week, neat- in Lima,” she told The As- ter Fujimori tried to overturn milking their cows at dawn. but I would like it to be one
ly folding her husband’s sociated Press last week on the result, asking election au- The family’s house - which of nuns,” Paredes said. If that
shirts and picking some her foggy patio in Chugur thorities to annul thousands Castillo built more than 20 happens, it will be the first
plates and silverware in while she rubbed her hands of votes alleging fraud, an years ago - will be in the care time in decades that the chil-
between visits from farm- amid the cold of the Andean accusation she could never of Paredes’ elder sister. dren of a president enroll in
ers from nearby villages winter. “We are people from prove. That left the Castillo public education. The pow-
stopping by to say good- the countryside, and almost family little time to make The family has also packed erful in Peru have long pre-
bye. always, the provincial have plans and say their goodbyes. study materials for Arnold, ferred private schools.
to wait years to have a prop- 16, and Alondra, 9. Pare-
A neo-baroque presidential erty in the capital. If they tell Unlike all of Peru’s for-
palace awaits Paredes, her me to live in another place, it mer presidents of the last 40
husband and Peruvian Presi- would also be the same, we years, the Castillos have no
dent-elect Pedro Castillo, and are not kings to live in a pal- home in Lima. Paredes, also a
their two children — should ace, we go to work.” teacher, said she and her hus-
the family chose to live in the band have to decide whether
historic building. Castillo’s supporters includ- they will live in the presiden-
ed the poor and rural citi- tial residence, but it is likely
Castillo, will be sworn in as zens of the South American they will call it home. She
president Wednesday, less nation. He popularized the has seen it from the outside
than two weeks after he was phrase “No more poor in a but has never stepped inside,
declared the winner of the rich country,” and stunned not even on guided tours that
June 6 runoff election. The millions of Peruvians and ob- were offered during pre-pan-
leftist rural teacher, who has servers by advancing to the demic times.
never held office, defeated runoff.
his opponent, right-wing ca- Choosing their home is a
reer politician Keiko Fujimo- The economy of Peru, the significant decision given
ri, by just 44,000 votes. world’s second-largest cop- Castillo’s anti-elite rhetoric.
per producer, has been His campaign slogan could
Paredes is not sure where crushed by the coronavirus be called into question if the