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P. 21
CLASSIFIED Monday 16 october 2017
US agency’s bid for swan hunting draws fire dOCTOR ON dUTY
Dr. D. de Cuba
shoots a trumpeter is sub- Tel. 583 9195
ject to a fine. That rarely — San Nicolas
if ever — happens. But the TIME SHARE FOR SALE Dr. Boderie
risk is expected to grow as Divi Phoenix Resort Tel. 584 5155
trumpeter swans spread 1 bdrm Unit # 633 sleeps up to 6 EMERGENCIA 911
from states that have in- peoples week 1 and 2. Have 37
vested heavily in restora- weeks left. deed
tion efforts, such as Minne- Price $37,000 for 2 weeks.
sota, Iowa, Wisconsin and
Michigan in the Mississippi 215 9067397 POLICE 100
Flyway. _________________________________208098 ORANJESTAD 527-3140
The proposal essentially Time share for rent NOORD 527-3200
would make such inciden- Divi Dutch Village SAN NICOLAS 584-5000
tal kills legal by letting states one bedrooms plus studios POLICE TIPLINE 11141
with low trumpeter numbers starting 10/7 to 12/16 wks 45 to FIRE DEPT. 115
hold general swan seasons 50wks FIRE DEPT. 582-1108
A pair of trumpeter swans stretch at Westchester Lagoon in rather than specific tundra also Location from interval.. HOSPITAL 527-4000
Anchorage, Alaska. No state currently has hunting seasons swan seasons. Local # 565 9394 or DENTAL CLINIC 587-9850
for trumpeter swans, which have made a comeback in recent The service already allows 508-651-0016 or AMBULANCE 582-1234
decades thanks to efforts to reintroduce them. Now the U.S. Fish IMSAN 524-8833
and Wildlife Service is working on a plan aimed at letting hunters something similar in the RED CROSS 582-2219
shoot them legally in certain states that allow the hunting of Pacific Flyway in Utah and ________________________________208194
tundra swans. Nevada. Time Share For Sale Women in Difficulties
(AP Photo/Dan Joling) The new plan would most Divi Golf PHARMACY
By STEVE KARNOWSKI of the service’s migratory directly protect tundra one bedroom rm#2213,3500$ Oranjestad:
Associated Press bird management division. swan hunters in Montana, starting 10/7 to 12/16 wks 45 Kibrahacha Tel. 583 4908
MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — A North America’s popula- North Dakota, South Da- to 50 wks below mkt price Local San Nicolas
federal plan to let hunters tion is estimated at more kota, North Carolina and #565 9394 or Aloe Tel. 584 4606
shoot trumpeter swans has than 63,000 adult birds and Virginia. 508-651-0016 or
drawn fire from some of the it’s growing by more than But that approach doesn’t
people who toiled to bring 10,000 a year, he said.No sit well with some bird lov- ________________________________208194 INFORMATION 118
the majestic white birds state is currently proposing ers, including the man who TIME SHARE FOR SALE PROF. TAXI 588-0035
back from the brink of ex- trumpeter swan seasons, led the restoration effort Divi Phoenix TAXI D.T.S. 587-2300
tinction. he said, and the proposal is in Minnesota, where the one bedroom unit # 633 sleeps SERVICE AUA 583-3232
Trumpeter swans, North mostly aimed at protecting trumpeter swan population up to 6 people week 1 and 2 A1 TAXI SERVICES 587-8850
America’s largest water- tundra swan hunters in five has grown over the past 35 have 37 weeks left price $37000 280-2828
fowl species, have made states who may mistakenly years from none to more for 2 weeks crUISe SHIP
a comeback in recent de- kill trumpeter swans. But he than 20,000.
cades thanks to efforts to acknowledged the pro- Carrol Henderson, supervi- or call 215 9067397 Mrs Lydia
reintroduce them to their posal opens the door to the sor of the Nongame Wild- ________________________________208196
former breeding range. possibility that some states life Fund at the Minnesota Costa Linda Beach Resorts
Now the U.S. Fish and Wild- could offer such a hunting Department of Natural Re- 2 br WK 40 rM # 5014 oV $8K October 18
life Service is working on a season. sources, personally brought 2 br WK 41 rM # 4019 PoV adventure of the Seas
caribbean Princess
plan that would let hunters The soonest the proposal back the eggs from Alaska $8K nieuw amsterdam / Zenith
shoot them in several states could take effect is 2019- that seeded the state’s Marriott renaissance Aruba Airport 524-2424
that allow the hunting of 2020 season. flock in the 1980s. 1 br WK 41 rM # 2501 P.o.V. American Airlines 582-2700
tundra swans, a more nu- Tundra swans look almost “If a proposal were made $5K Avianca 588-0059
merous species. identical to trumpeter to turn it into a game spe- 1 br WK 42 rM # 2517 P.o V Aruba Airlines 583-8300
“Trumpeter swans are a swans, especially at a dis- cies, I think the agency .$5K Jet Blue 588-2244
conservation success sto- tance, and a tundra swan would suffer a huge black call:(297) 630-1307 Surinam 582-7896
ry,” said Brad Bortner, chief hunter who mistakenly eye,” he said.q Venezolana 583-7674
Aruba Foundation
________________________________208356 For those Visually Incapasitated
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one bedroom 2 full bath room #
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________________________________208196 Tel. 525-2672
Women in Difficulties
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