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                                                                                                           local Thursday 4 augusT 2022
            After 34 years of existence
            Education for Employment will soon become an

            official department of the Government

            ORANJESTAD – Recently the  cial price. Minister of Labor,  ment  tasked  with  putting
            Government  of  Aruba  ap-   Glenbert Croes will carry on  people back to work.
            pointed  a  ‘quartermaster’  this  starting  point,  but  with
            for  Education  for  Employ-  a new twist.                According  to  the  minister,
            ment (EPE), Mrs. Sabine de                                Aruba needs each and ev-
            Groot.                       The    Covid    pandemic  eryone. For this reason, an
                                         changed  the  world  stage  upgrade of the courses at
            EPE  started  as  a  project  eliminating  a  lot  of  jobs.  EPE and a national registra-
            back in 1988 with the clos-  Besides,  worldwide  many  tion at DPL for job seekers is
            ing  of  the  Lago  refinery.  existing  jobs  are  seeing  necessary.
            Many people were left un-    change,  and  for  this,  re-
            employed, and for this rea-  training is vital. At the same  “The  effects  of  the  pan-
            son  a  retraining  program  time,  worldwide  the  need  demic  affected  everyone
            was started so that the lo-  for  workers  is  enormous.  in  a  way  that  could  not
            cal  population  could  find  And  this  is  where  EPE  and  have  been  predicted.  But
            a  new  job,  different  from  the  Department  of  Labor  now it’s time to reflect and
            what they were used to.      Progress,  DPL,  are  instru-  take  the  reins  of  our  lives
                                         mental.                      back  into  our  own  hands.
            Today,    many    decades                                 There is a great opportunity
            later, EPE is tasked with the  EPE  will  see  an  upgrade  for work out there. It’s time
            same purpose.                and update of its available  that  together  we  get  to
                                         courses  to  meet  the  de-  work to better our personal
            In  past  decades,  EPE  re-  mand of our labor market.   and professional progress.”
            mained instrumental in the  Soon  the  department  will
            training  and  retraining  of  announce  a  national  reg-  The  quartermaster  togeth-
            the local population, offer-  istration  for  job  seekers  to  er  with  the  Department  of  EPE,  which  has  demon-  official  formalization  in  the
            ing quality courses at a so-  register at DPL, the depart-  Human  Resources  will  give  strated  its  right  to  exist,  an  Government apparatus.
            Minister of Education and Sport received a presentation

            regarding Leadership Movement

            ORANJESTAD  –  Recently,  minister  ATIA’s leadership project, ‘Lidera’.   conference  has  the  title  ‘Purpose  During  the  conference  there  will
            of Education and Sport, Endy Croes                                      as Power’. What can be expected  be a special event for student ath-
            held  a  meeting  with  Mr.  Herrick  During  the  meeting  they  also  dis-  is a conference with music, impact  letes,  presented  by  Mr.  Shelton.
            Henriquez, director of Aruba Trade  cussed various topics of interest.   content, and a lot of motivation.   During  this  event  he  will  connect
            & Industry Association (ATIA). Dur-                                     The  speakers  at  this  conference  with the youth of Aruba as an ath-
            ing  this  meeting,  the  minister  re-  ATIA has declared 2022 as a year  are two people recognized around  lete,  and  will  provide  them  with
            ceived a thorough presentation of  of purpose. This year, ATIA’s annual  the world, namely, Mrs. Melis Seno-  words  of  inspiration  and  motiva-
                                                                                    va  who  will  elaborate  on  how  to  tion.
                                                                                    design your business with your em-
                                                                                    ployees  as  the  main  element.  Mr.  Minister Endy Croes said that this is
                                                                                    Trent Shelton, an ex-NFL player who  a  beautiful  initiative  by  ATIA,  one
                                                                                    today is one of the best speakers  that counts with the support of the
                                                                                    in  the  world,  as  well  as  author  of  ministry of Education and Sport.
                                                                                    the books ‘The Greatest You’ and
                                                                                    ‘Straight Up’, will focus on how your  To finalize, the minister wished ATIA
                                                                                    purpose is also your power.         a lot of success with the project.
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