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Diabierna, 17 November 2023                                  AWEMainta                             INTERNATIONAL                           37

       UK Boosts Offshore Wind Subsidies                                          nologies, including a 30% uplift for solar farms.

        by 66% to Revive Struggling Sector
                                                                                  While  the  industry  welcomed  the  move,  it’s  important  to

                                                                                  note that any increase in subsidies will eventually be borne
                                                                                  by households, who are already grappling with high energy
                                                                                  bills. Developers such as Ørsted and Scottish Power praised
                                                                                  the government’s decision, seeing it as a positive signal for

                                                                                  the future of offshore wind in the UK.

                                                                                  Henrik  Andersen,  CEO  of  Vestas  Wind  Systems,  a  major
                                                                                  wind turbine maker, described the move as an “important

                                                                                  first step towards restoring investor confidence and getting
       A bid to rejuvenate the offshore wind sector grappling with                projects back on track,” emphasizing its potential to lower
       soaring costs, the UK government has announced a substan-                  power prices in the UK.
       tial increase of up to two-thirds in subsidies for offshore wind

       developers. The move aims to reignite interest in new proj-                The failed auction round in September, where not a single
       ects after developers avoided the last auction, citing insuf-              bid was submitted for an offshore wind project, underscored
       ficient subsidies.                                                         the challenges faced by the sector. Developers argued that
                                                                                  the  maximum  strike  price  of  £44  per  MWh  was  insuffi-

       The maximum price available in the upcoming auction for                    cient to counter the surge in global industry costs. The new
       state contracts to construct offshore wind farms will be 66%               subsidies, with a maximum strike price of £73 per MWh for
       higher than in the previous 2023 bidding round. This deci-                 offshore contracts, aim to address these concerns.
       sion comes as a response to concerns raised by developers

       about the inadequacy of subsidies in the last auction.                     With the UK government targeting a nearly fourfold increase
       Claire  Coutinho,  the  energy  secretary,  acknowledged  the              in offshore wind capacity to 50GW by 2030, the rapid devel-
       “global challenges” impacting offshore wind and emphasized                 opment  of  projects  becomes  crucial.  The  next  auction
       that the enhanced auction terms aim to foster the develop-                 round is scheduled for next year, with results expected to

       ment of “homegrown clean energy.” The government is also                   be  announced  in  September,  reflecting  the  government’s
       set to increase the maximum price for other renewable tech-                commitment to advancing its renewable energy goals.

                                    High-Flying Escape:

       Horse Breaks Free on Boeing 747, Forces U-Turn

       A Boeing 747 cargo jet en route from             20 tonnes of fuel “east of Nantucket”

       New  York  to  Belgium  faced  an  unex-         to adjust the plane’s weight.
       pected twist when a horse managed to
       escape  its  stall  mid-flight,  prompting       While the method of the horse’s escape
       the plane to make a U-turn at 30,000             remains unclear, it was evident that the          tation  category,  where  different-sized

       feet  (9,144  meters).  The  pilot  of  Air      animal was unrestrained upon landing.             containers  cater  to  first-class,  busi-
       Atlanta Icelandic flight 4592 reported           The  pilot  confirmed  the  situation,            ness class, and economy options for
       the live animal on board, emphasizing            stating, “On the ramp, yes. We have a             the animals.
       the  challenge  of  securing  the  loose         horse in problem, in difficulty.”

       horse.                                                                                             This incident echoes a similar event in
                                                        The  flight  eventually  resumed  later           August when a bear managed to free
       Approximately  90  minutes  into  the            the  same  day,  successfully  reaching           itself from a crate on an Iraqi Airways
       journey,  the  decision  was  made  to           Liege Airport on Friday morning, as               flight  from  Dubai  to  Baghdad.  Such

       return to John F Kennedy International           reported by FlightRadar24. The reason             occurrences  highlight  the  challenges
       Airport.  The  pilot,  in  communication         for  transporting  the  horse  remains            and  surprises  that  can  unfold  when
       with  air  traffic  control,  expressed  the     unknown,  adding  a  layer  of  mystery           transporting live animals on  aircraft,
       need  for  a  veterinarian  to  meet  the        to the airborne escapade. Speculation             showcasing  the  need  for  secure  and

       aircraft upon landing. The horse’s esca-         points  to  the  possibility  of  the  horse      reliable  containment  methods  during
       pade led to an unusual request to dump           being part of the racehorse transpor-             flights.
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