Page 6 - HOH
P. 6
local Saturday 2 July 2022
Starting 8th of july
Aruba stops mandatory Covid-19 insurance for visitors
In July 2020, Aruba opened its bor-
ders once again to visitors from the
United States and started the Aruba
Visitors Insurance. This was an in-
novation in the middle of the pan-
demic, which was later followed
by other destinations. This insur-
ance was mandatory for all visitors
and this way, it was made sure that
every case in which a tourist test-
ed positive during their stay could
count with, among other things,
coverage for accommodation for
isolation, transportation, Covid test,
doctor’s cost, hospital and ICU.
For a few months already there
was contact with insurance com-
panies, indicating that this insur-
ance would be maintained for as
long as CDC has the requirement
for a mandatory test before en-
tering the United States. Recently,
CDC announced that the require- Starting 8th July 2022, the manda- arrival before the 8th of July. ance and for this to be an insur-
ment for test has ended, and on tory insurance will be eliminated. ance that also covers Covid.
that moment, Aruba Tourism Au- Every person who bought their in- At the beginning of the Covid-19
thority presented a request on the surance before the 8th of July will pandemic, traditional travel insur- It is important to mention that the
platform of National Crisis to stop remain insured until their depar- ance was not covering Covid-19. online ED card will remain manda-
the mandatory insurance of $15 for ture. Must note that this insurance Meanwhile this has changed, and tory before visiting Aruba.
every tourist. is non-refundable for those who A.T.A. keeps advising all visitors to
have already purchased it for an come to Aruba with a travel insur-
Health minister Dangui Oduber met with members of PAHO
regarding health project
Health will be organizing a Minister Dangui Oduber is
study which will take place proud of the cooperation
at the beginning of 2023, between PAHO and Aru-
and will be used as a base- ba, seeing that during the
line to obtain data about meeting Aruba received
the local community. a lot of compliments for
being constantly busy in a
It is expected that this proactive way in the area
project will consist of data of prevention in health
for around five thousand care. Prevention is a prior-
people in the local com- ity for the minister, accord-
munity, and will be done ing to a government’s press
per household. Projects like release, and surely togeth-
this one are extremely im- er this can be achieved.
portant in order to be able Soon, more information will
to implement public health be shared regarding the
measures in time and effi- above-mentioned study.
Yesterday morning, Aru- Pan American Health Or- (Non-Communicable Dis-
ban minister of Tourism and ganization was always a eases) have a big role.
Public Health, Mr. Dangui big help in the local health
Oduber had a meeting with sector. Aruba has been In 2006, PAHO did a study
members of the Pan Ameri- working together for many in Aruba with various is-
can Health Organization. years, in order to better sues that were brought for-
This meeting was regarding the service and quality of wards, and this was used to
various projects that are to health in Aruba. Currently, generate data regarding
be executed in the follow- the government is work- the health of the people
ing months. ing on various policies for of Aruba. Together with
prevention, in which NCDs PAHO, the Ministry of Public