Page 16 - FLIP KPA
P. 16
AWEMainta Diaranson, 11 Februari 2015 11

Chauffeur femenino
burachi a causa masha
daño den Wilhelmina y

UN chauffeur femenino, masha burachi, tabata pata-pata, segun algun testigo a dal
diferente auto caba riba Wilhelminastraat te
dialuna mainta a causa un accidente riba ora el a yega dilanti Ministerio Publico, unda
Havenstraat. E chauffeur burachi aki a perde e mesun chauffeur aki no tabatn control mas
control di su auto, no por a tene distancia for di di su pianan y a primi “trot” ranca diferente
e auto su dilanti y a bay plama tras di dos auto pion poni banda di caminda bay plama tras di
dilanti entrada di Renaissance Mall. e autonan.
E impacto tabata fuerte , t’ cu e señora a dal Polis a detene e chauffeur mesora, kende lo tin
abou. Algun hende riba caya a yega na careda cu responde pa tur daño causa, cu sigur ta hopi.
pa yude. Debi cu e tabata keha di dolor, ambulance a
Polis mester a desvia e trafico, pa cual mester atende pa despues pas’e pa encarcelacion.
a pidi refuerzo, pasobra e señora aki, kende

If you want to be part of our dynamic hospitality team please apply for the Accidente na Tanki
position of: Leendert unda un persona
a resulta levemente herida
DIALUNA ultimo, un Kia Cerrato a sali di e hanchi banda di Acropolis Plaza, pero no a pone
Responsible for all Human Resources aspects of Divi Village, The Dutch
Village and The Links at Divi Aruba: Hiring process, Termination process, atencion riba trafico. Esaki net ora un Suzuki Swift a subi caminda tumando direccion pa Playa
a dal den dje, ranca bumper parti dilanti di e Kia y e Suzuki a bay para otro banda di caminda.
Training, Counseling, Coaching, Bene ts, Payroll documentation and Un persona a resulta levemente herida, unda presencia di ambulance a wordo pidi. Ambos auto
Coordinate activities for the companies. a ricibi hopi dañjo material.

- Minimum Bachelor Degree in Human Resources Management or

Hospitality Trainer education or equivalent
- Knowledge in Local Labor Laws
- Five (5) years experience in a similar position at a resort
- Computer Knowledge
- Must have generalized background with broad knowledge of

employment, compensation, organizational planning,
employment regulations and training and development
- Fluent in English, Spanish and Dutch
- Friendly with people
- Flexible in working hours
- Excellent Interpersonal and communication skills

We o er: Competitive wages, attractive bene ts, a good working
environment and opportunity to grow

Apply at the Human Resources Department located at
Tamarijn Aruba Beach Resort
J.E.Irausquin Boulevard # 41

Or send your email to
Tel: 525-5241

From Monday to Friday
8:00 am – 1:00 pm
2:00 pm – 5:00 pm
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