Page 11 - AweMainta 11NOV15
P. 11
AWEMainta Diaranson, 11 November 2015 11
AUCTION Fraccion MEP a entrega pregunta
na Minister di Husticia:
ex. 3:268 Civil Code of Aruba
Melvin Tromp ta haya
Thursday December 10, 2015 trato preferencial na man
On Thursday December 10, 2015, at 11 AM, at the Conference Room of the di Ministerio publico?
Chamber of Aruba, Irausquin Boulevard 10, Aruba, will be auctioned in public:
RECIENTEMENTE a sali publica den un medio di
A residential house locally known as
prensa cu Parlamentario Melvin Tromp lo tabata envolvi
ALTO VISTA 5-C den un caso di maltrato.
Segun informacionnan MEP a compronde cu e Parla-
standing on a parcel of public land, 999 m2 in size, situated at Alto Vista in Aruba, mentario lo a maltrata un cabayero publicamente den
cadastrally known as Second Division Section D number 500. The lease rights will expire area di Lineair Park.
on October 8, 2051. E cuidadano cu a wordo maltrata malamente a haci
Starting bid: Afl. 149.000,-- entrega di un keho oficial na autoridad policial. Mes-
ter enfatisa riba e hecho cu e cuidadano a para te na
Auction notary: mr. T.R. Johnson hospital y un raport medico ta indica cu e lo a haya sla-
nan fuerte, segun MEP den un comunicado di prensa.
The auction is subject to the general conditions for foreclosure auctions and “Nos a compronde cu Parlamentario Tromp ta cana
special auction conditions which will be determined by acting civil law notary T.R. den comunidad bisando cu niun hende no por haci’e
Johnson. nada tog debi cu e tin bon lasonan cu esnan den top di
Ministerio publico.
The auction will take place by raising bids (in Dutch: “bij opbod”) and by decreasing Ta parce cu den un forma e tin rason, pasobra ya
bids (in Dutch: “bij afmijning”), in one session. caba 2 siman a pasa y e Parlamentario ta liber mane-
ra un parha sin cu un dia a detene y cuestiona su
Seller has the right to not accept any bid, at his sole discretion. comportacion cu no ta apto pa un parlamentario”.
All auction costs are for the account of the buyer, which costs include: transfer tax, Relaciona cu esaki fraccion di MEP a dicidi formalmente
pa haci Minister di Husticia, mr. drs. Arthur Dowers
registration fees cadaster, the outstanding long lease fees and property taxes for preguntanan tocante e caso aki.
execution of the necessary notarial deeds, other auction costs (rent of auction Den e serie di preguntanan cu MEP a haci na Minister di
room, bailiff fees, cancellation of liens and mortgages, advertisements), and the Husticia ta bin padilanti pe duna splicacion con a trata
costs to have the property vacated, if necessary. Parlamentario Melvin Tromp den e asunto aki.
Each bidder must be able to submit a bank-guarantee issued by a reputable bank Tambe fraccion di MEP kier wordo informa si eventu-
in Aruba to the amount of the highest bid increased with an amount equal to the almente e Parlamentario lo wordo sanciona pa su acto.
auction costs. MEP ta spera cu e Minister en cuestion por contesta y
The auction may be stopped or postponed at any time. clarifica tur nan preguntanan, pasobra husticia no con-
A private written bid can be submitted at said office until November 25, oce color politico ni tampoco posicion. MEP ta condena
2015, 5 PM. cu un Parlamentario ta comete un acto repudiabel y ta
For more information you can contact Ms. Chamila Tromp by email cana los sin cu Minister di Husticia ta haci algo.
For more information please check our website: