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                                                                                                       sports Wednesday 3 January 2024

            In an era when home court means less and less, the Boston Celtics

            are 16-0 at TD Garden

            By NOAH TRISTER              NBA. Last season, the home                                                             less  intimidating  venues  or
            AP Sports Writer             team won 58% of the time                                                               other  reasons,  winning  on
            When  the  Boston  Celtics   in the regular season. That                                                            the road is a good bit more
            were  winning  champion-     number is around the same                                                              common now.
            ships  with  Larry  Bird  and   this season. Back in the late                                                       That's  not  to  say  nobody
            Kevin McHale in the 1980s,   80s, that figure was north of                                                          can  put  up  a  dominant
            they    were    notoriously   65%. In the 1950-51 season,                                                           home  record  anymore.
            tough  to  beat  at  home.   it was 74%.                                                                            San Antonio matched Bos-
            The  old  Boston  Garden     In  some  ways,  the  Celtics                                                          ton's  record  by  going  40-1
            could be oppressively hot,   themselves  have  reflected                                                            in  2015-16,  losing  only  to
            and a rowdy home crowd       the  overall  state  of  home-                                                         Golden State in its next-to-
            added another obstacle.      court  advantage  in  the                                                              last  home  game  —  a  vic-
            Buildings in the NBA aren't   NBA.  In  1954-55  —  when                                                            tory  the  Warriors  needed
            like  that  anymore,  but    home  court  was  a  huge                                                              while  closing  in  on  the  all-
            the  current  Celtics  are  on   deal  —  Boston  went  21-5                                                        time wins record of 73.
            their own impressive run at   at  home  and  4-22  on  the   Fans react behind Boston Celtics' Jrue Holiday (4) and Toronto   Of course, those Spurs then
            home. Boston is 16-0 at TD   road.                        Raptors'  Dennis  Schroder  (17)  after  the  Celtics  prevented  the   dropped two of their three
            Garden. With its corporate   In  1985-86,  the  Celtics  set   Raptors from scoring in the final seconds of the fourth quarter   home games during a sec-
            name  and  modern  feel,     a  record  by  going  40-1  at   during an NBA basketball game, Friday, Dec. 29, 2023, in Boston.   ond-round  playoff  loss  to
            that  arena  doesn't  have   home. Then they went 10-0                                             Associated Press   Oklahoma City.
            the  mystique  of  the  old   at home in the playoffs en  Even  Denver,  with  its  dif-  then  another  in  the  post-  There are signs that home-
            Garden, but it does house    route to the championship.   ficult  altitude,  lost  seven  season on its way to the ti-  court  advantage  isn't  as
            a fine basketball team that   Nowadays,  nobody  feels  home  games  during  the  tle. Whether it's because of  big a factor anymore in the
            is  trying  to  leave  its  own   that  unbeatable  at  home.  regular  season  in  2022-23,  more  comfortable  travel,  postseason either.q
            mark on Celtics history.
            "We  got  the  best  fans  in
            the  league,"  guard  Der-
            rick  White  said  last  month
            when asked about receiv-
            ing  "MVP"  chants.  "I  know
            I'm not the MVP, but it's al-
            ways cool to hear."
            Forgive Boston fans for get-
            ting  a  little  carried  away.
            At home at least, the Celt-
            ics  look  worthy  of  quite  a
            few honors.
            Amazingly,  Boston's  per-
            fect  home  record  nearly
            ended last week against a
            team trying to halt an even
            longer  streak.  The  Detroit
            Pistons took a 21-point lead
            in  the  second  quarter  be-
            fore  the  Celtics  came  all
            the  way  back  to  win  128-
            122  in  overtime  on  Thurs-
            day night. It was a record-
            tying  28th  straight  loss  for
            the  Pistons,  and  Boston
            would  have  been  a  most
            unlikely  place  for  them  to
            finally win.
            Detroit  did  end  the  streak
            two  nights  later  at  home
            against Toronto. That was a
            night after the Celtics had
            also  defeated  Toronto  at
            home, again barely keep-
            ing  their  streak  alive  with
            a  120-118  victory.  Boston's
            next home game is Friday
            against  Utah.  Minnesota,
            in  town  next  week,  could
            provide a significant test.
            What's  interesting  about
            this  run  by  the  Celtics  is
            that  overall,  home-court
            advantage     isn't   nearly
            what  it  used  to  be  in  the
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