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                                                                                                           LOCAL Tuesday 13 sepTember 2022

            Website XII CAROSAI Congress

            ORAnjeStAd - the General  and is currently chaired for  respective countries.          aw,  as  well  as  the  digital  Netherlands Court of Audit
            Audit  Chamber  Aruba,  in  the next three (3) years by                                platform of the National Li-  will be present at both con-
            addition  to  its  task  of  au-  the  General  Audit  Cham-  The  SAI  organized  a  con-  brary of Aruba.         gresses as the Chairman of
            diting  the  efficiency  and  ber Aruba. CAROSAI is one  gress  of  Supreme  Audit                                  CAROSAI.
            legality  of  public  funds  of  (1) of the seven (7) regional  Institutions  in  hybrid  form   More  information  about
            Land Aruba, also holds the  organizations  that  belong  for the first time during the   the  next  OLACEFS  con-   The  central  theme  of  the
            presidency  of  the  regional  to  the  International  Orga-  last  XII Congress  of CARO-  gress, which will take place  XXIV  INTOSAI  Congress  is
            organization CAROSAI.        nization  of  Supreme  Audit  SAI  held  in  May  2022.  It   in Oaxaca de Juárez, Mex-  "The  work  of  Supreme  Au-
                                         Institutions - INTOSAI-. INTO-  is  to  encourage  online   ico, from September 20-24,  dit  Institutions  in  the  face
            CAROSAI  is  the  organiza-  SAI  has  provided  an  insti-  participation.  They  also   2022, is available at https://  of  public  calamities"  and
            tion  of  Supreme  Audit  In-  tutional  framework  for  the  developed  a  dedicated                "Global  voice,  global  out-
            stitutions  in  the  Caribbean  highest  body  in  a  country  website, https://www.arub-  You  may  find  information  come, and far-reaching im-
            established in Trinidad and  for over 50 years. ,     on the INTOSAI - XXIV INCO-  pact." During this congress,
            Tobago on August 7, 1988.                                 where  more  information  is   SAI  2022  Congress,  which  the  president  of  CAROSAI,
            Membership in CAROSAI is  The  purpose  of  INTOSAI  is  available  on  the  congress   will take place in Rio de Ja-  Ms.   Xiomara   Croes-Wil-
            open to the Supreme Audit  to  promote  development  events, speakers, and pre-        neiro,  Brazil,  from  Novem-  liams, will present a "Decla-
            Institution in the Caribbean  and  knowledge  transfer  sentations at the XII CARO-    ber  7-11,  2022,  via  https://  ration", as a result of the XII
            and  currently  consists  of  and  improve  the  audit  of  SAI congress. For additional   The  CAROSAI Congress.q
            twenty-three  (23)  member  government  agencies  in  information, you may con-
            countries/islands.           all  parts  of  the  world  and  sult the website of the Gen-
            CAROSAI  is  governed  by  the  Supreme  Audit  Institu-  eral Audit Chamber Aruba:
            an  Executive  Committee  tion  (SAI)  capacity  in  their  https://www.rekenkamer.

            Stimami Sterilisami raises 35K for its national spay
            and neuter program at their Summer Sidewalk Sale

            Oranjestad  -  Stimami  Sterilisami  Founda-  tance, time, and dedication in organizing
            tion was able to raise an incredible 35.000  the event.” EwaldBiemans, President of Sti-
            Florins  at  its  Summer  Sidewalk  Sale,  the  mami Sterilisami, explains.
            largest  local  hotel  sale  event  in  history,
            that took place at Sun Plaza. “We are over-  The day was fled with incredible deals on
            whelmed with gratitude for the incredible  brand new and used hotel items, activities
            turnout, the Aruban community’s support,  for children organized by the Marriott ac-
            and each and every contribution and vol-   tivities team, and the possibility of adopt-
            unteer that made this event a success.     ing a puppy or kitten from Nine Lives Foun-
                                                       dation,  Sgt  Pepper’s  Friends,  and  Luna
            It was truly heartwarming to see how many  Foundation.  The  event  was  attended  by
            organizations  participated  and  the  items  a record number of visitors, with custom-
            that they donated in support of the sale.  ers already lining up two hours before the
            We would like to thank Bucuti& Tara Beach  event started and items selling out within
            Resort,  Marriott  Vacation  Club,  Ritz  Carl-  the frst few hours.
            ton, RIU Hotel & Resorts, Tara Eco Supplies,
            Ben Kaufman, Yesenia Arends, Sun Plaza,  100%  of  all  funds  raised  will  be  used  to
            Craft & Lola, New York Laundry, Nine Lives  cover the costs of sterilizations of cats and
            Foundation, Sgt Pepper’s Friends and Luna  dogs through Stimami Sterilisami’s national
            Foundation  for  their  generous  contribu-  spay and neuter campaign. StimamiSteril-
            tions and volunteers. In addition to thank-  isami invites the entire Aruban community
            ing the organizations, I would like to give  and volunteer groups to register their pets
            special  thanks  to  the  Board  Members  of  via www.stimamisterilisami so that we can
            Stimami, Jenny Erazo, KamillaErazo, Davi-  continue with our mission to mitigate the
            kaHoo, and Jasmin Maduro, for their assis-  suffering of abandoned pets.q
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