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A4   U.S. NEWS
             Wednesday 13 november 2019

                                                                      Court rules against warrantless

                                                                      searches of phones, laptops

                                                                      By STEVE LeBLANC
                                                                      BOSTON  (AP)  —  A  federal
                                                                      court  in  Boston  has  ruled
                                                                      that  warrantless  U.S.  gov-
                                                                      ernment  searches  of  the
                                                                      phones  and  laptops  of  in-
                                                                      ternational  travelers  at  air-
                                                                      ports  and  other  U.S.  ports
                                                                      of  entry  violate  the  Fourth
            In  this  Sunday,  Nov.  3,  2019,  photo,  former  President  Jimmy   Amendment.
            Carter teaches Sunday school at Maranatha Baptist Church in
            Plains, Ga.                                               Tuesday's  ruling  in  U.S.  Dis-
                                                     Associated Press  trict  Court  came  in  a  law-
                                                                      suit  filed  by  the  American
            Former President Carter out                               Civil Liberties Union and the
                                                                      Electronic Frontier Founda-
            of surgery, no complications                              tion  on  behalf  of  11  trav-    In  this  Wednesday,  Nov.  21,  2018  file  photo,  travelers  check
                                                                      elers  whose  smartphones
                                                                                                   their phones at Indianapolis International Airport in Indianapolis.
                                                                      and laptops were searched                                             Associated Press
            By JAY REEVES and SHAME-     to  Carter's  recent  falls.  He   without  individualized  sus-
            KA DUDLEY-LOWE               used  a  walker  during  his   picion at U.S. ports of entry.  said  agents  with  U.S.  Cus-  stopped as they tried to re-
            ATLANTA  (AP)  —  Former  most  recent  public  ap-       ACLU  attorney  Esha  Bhan-  toms  and  Border  Protec-   enter the U.S. after a visit to
            President  Jimmy  Carter  pearance.                       dari said the ruling strength-  tion  and  U.S.  Immigration  Canada. Both are U.S. citi-
            was  recovering  Tuesday  The  first  fall,  in  the  spring,   ens the Fourth Amendment  and Customs Enforcement  zens and live in Massachu-
            following surgery to relieve  required  hip  replacement   protections of international  consider requests from oth-  setts.
            pressure  on  his  brain  from  surgery. He hit his head fall-  travelers  who  enter  the  er  government  agencies  Rossman  said  Nadia  Ala-
            bleeding  linked  to  recent  ing  again  on  Oct.  6  and   United States every year.  in  determining  whether  to  saad  felt  uncomfortable
            falls.                       received  14  stitches,  but   The  ACLU  describes  the  search travelers' electronic  handing  over  passwords
            A    statement   from   his  still  traveled  to  Nashville,   searches  as  "fishing  expe-  devices.              because she wears a head
            spokeswoman  said  there  Tennessee, to help build a      ditions."  They  say  border  They  added  that  agents  covering as part of her reli-
            were    no   complications  Habitat for Humanity home     officers  must  now  demon-  are searching the electron-  gious beliefs.
            from  the  procedure,  per-  shortly  thereafter.  And  he   strate  individualized  suspi-  ic  devices  of  not  only  tar-  She asked that a female of-
            formed at Emory University  was  briefly  hospitalized  af-  cion of contraband before  geted  individuals  but  their  ficer review her phone be-
            Hospital for a subdural he-  ter  fracturing  his  pelvis  on   they can search a traveler's  associates, friends and rel-  cause it contained photos
            matoma,  blood  trapped  Oct. 21.                         electronic device.           atives.                      of  her  and  her  daughters
            on the brain's surface.      Carter's  wife  of  73  years,   The  government  has  vig-  Requests   for   comment  without  their  headscarves.
            Carter, 95, will remain in the  Rosalynn Carter, is with him   orously   defended   the  from  Customs  and  Border  Alasaad  said  she  was  told
            hospital  for  observation,  at  the  hospital,  Lowden   searches  as  a  critical  tool  Protection,   Immigration  that  would  take  a  few
            said Deanna Congileo, his  said.  "She  won't  leave  his   to protect America.        and Customs Enforcement  more hours.
            spokeswoman at the Cart-     side," Lowden said.          The  number  of  electronic  and  the  Department  of  The  couple,  who  had  al-
            er Center.                   Large  bleeds,  usually  after   device  searches  at  U.S.  Homeland  Security  were  ready been delayed sever-
            The  statement  said  the  major trauma, can be life-     ports of entry has increased  not  immediately  returned  al  hours,  ultimately  decid-
            Carters thank everyone for  threatening.  But  often,  es-  significantly, the ACLU said.  Tuesday.                 ed to leave their phones —
            the  many  well-wishes  they  pecially in elderly patients,   Last  year,  the  government  Jessie  Rossman,  a  staff  at-  which they did not have re-
            have  received,  and  Con-   the injury is a slow leak that   conducted   more   than  torney  at  ACLU's  Massa-   turned to them for 15 days,
            gileo  doesn't  anticipate  takes  a  while  to  build  up   33,000  searches,  almost  chusetts  chapter,  said  the  according to Rossman.
            making  more  announce-      until  initial  symptoms  such   four times the number from  ruling is a victory for consti-  Ten  of  the  plaintiffs  in  the
            ments until he's released.   as  headaches  and  confu-   just three years prior.      tutional protections against  case  were  U.S.  citizens.
            It  was  unclear  how  long  sion  appear,  said  Dr.  Lola   Documents filed as part of  unreasonable   searches  One  was  a  permanent  le-
            Carter  might  be  hospital-  B.  Chambless,  associate   the lawsuit claim the scope  and seizures.                gal resident.
            ized,  said  his  pastor,  the  professor  of  neurological   of the warrantless searches  "The  court  said  today  that  When  the  suit  was  filed
            Rev. Tony Lowden.            surgery  at  Vanderbilt  Uni-  has  expanded  to  assist  in  suspicionless  searches  at  in  2017,  Department  of
            "If  anybody  can  make  it  versity.                     enforcement of tax, bank-    the  border  of  cell  phones  Homeland Security officials
            through  this  Jimmy  Cart-  "It's  very  typical  in  this  set-  ruptcy, environmental and  and  laptops  violate  the  said  U.S.  citizens  and  ev-
            er  can.  His  will  to  serve  is  ting  to  see  these  develop   consumer  protection  laws,  Fourth  Amendment,"  Ross-  eryone  else  are  subject  to
            greater than his will to give  a  few  weeks  or  even  a   gathering intelligence and  man said.                   examination  and  search
            up," said Lowden.            month  or  so  after  a  fall,"   advancing criminal investi-  Rossman  said  two  of  the  by  customs  officials,  unless
            The  Carter  Center  said  said  Chambless,  who  has     gations.                     plaintiffs  —  Ghassan  and  exempted  by  diplomatic
            the  bleeding  was  related  not treated Carter.q         The  court  documents  also  Nadia  Alasaad  —  were  status.q
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