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A32 sports
Diabierna 12 november 2021
Texans sink among league’s worst teams amid quarterback woes
things that they can control NFL assistant, has remained
as well,” Caserio said. “Quite upbeat as the losses have
frankly, it’s probably more of mounted. He lauded the
a distraction away from here. players for continuing to play
It doesn’t really affect any- hard in such a disappointing
thing we are doing on a day- season, but he knows things
to-day basis.” must improve after the break
and took responsibility for
Tyrod Taylor opened the sea- Houston’s struggles.
son filling in for Watson and
led Houston to a win over the “I’m frustrated that this team
Jaguars in the opener. But he doesn’t play as consistent
was injured in the first half of as we need them to play to
Week 2 against Cleveland and have success and win foot-
rookie Davis Mills took over. ball games,” he said. “That’s
The third-round pick looked on us as coaches. We haven’t
overmatched from the start done as good a job as we need
and the Texans lost to the to do to do that.”
Browns before dropping the
next six games with Mills as Despite Taylor’s bad perfor-
a starter. mance against the Dolphins,
Culley said he’s sticking with
The Texans hoped Taylor’s the veteran when the team
(AP) — When the Hous- in the league after winning rio was a longtime executive return from a hamstring in- resumes play. He believes last
ton Texans drafted De- just one of their first nine with the Patriots who is in his jury last week would help week’s game was an anomaly
shaun Watson in the first games — with five of their first year in Houston. He has them end their skid, but in- for the 11-year pro and said
round in 2017, it seemed eight losses coming by 15 talked often about building a stead a three-interception de- he gives Houston its best
they finally found their points or more. winning culture through ac- bacle led to a loss to Miami. chance to win moving for-
franchise quarterback af- countability and character. ward.
ter years of woes at the It seems unlikely Watson But the question is how the Houston’s eight-game los-
position. will play another down for Texans can achieve that goal ing streak is the team’s lon- While it appears Taylor will
the Texans, but the sides re- with the uncertainty over gest since dropping the final be Houston’s quarterback
Fast forward to 2021 with main in limbo after he wasn’t Watson’s future taking the fo- 14 games of the 2013 season. for the rest of this season,
Watson sitting out amid a traded before last week’s cus away from anything else The Texans have had some he isn’t likely to be part of
trade request and 22 lawsuits deadline. Now the soonest going on with this team? bad teams in their short his- the team’s future after join-
alleging sexual harassment he could be dealt is March tory, but this might be the ing the Texans on a one-year
or assault and the Texans are 16, leaving the issue hanging “I don’t want to speak for worst, often not even looking contract this offseason. Mills
back to square one. over the team for at least the anybody else, but it really competitive as the losses have also doesn’t seem to be a via-
next few months. hasn’t been a distraction for piled. ble option to lead the team in
As they enter their bye, they me, and our team has done years to come after his failure
have the second-worst record General manager Nick Case- a great job of focusing on the The Texans won four games this season.
as an expansion team in 2002
and their worst record came Perhaps the only good news
when they went 2-14 in both for the Texans is that they
2005 and 2013. They’ll have seem destined to get one
an extra chance to pick up an- of the top five picks in next
other win with the addition year’s draft, where they could
of a 17th game this season, find a quarterback to replace
but if they don’t play much Watson. It will be a big selec-
better than they have, they tion for Houston after the
might not be able to outdo team hasn’t had a first-round
those ’05 and ’13 teams. pick since 2019 after trading
away their selections in the
Coach David Culley, who is opening round in the last two
in his first season as a head years.
coach after decades as an