Page 12 - Binder1
P. 12
The Ostrich Farm
January 6, 2023
T: 582-7800
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A r u b a ’ s O N L Y E n g l i s h n e w s p a p e r
Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper
Biden toughens border, offers legal Aruba welcomed more
path for 30,000 a month than 610,000 cruise
passengers in 2022
Page 7
Haitian migrants who hope to apply for asylum in the U.S. wait to register their names on a list
made by a religious organization in Reynosa, Mexico, Dec. 21, 2022, on the other side of the bor- Gino Frans, of Eliezer
der with McAllen, Texas.
Associated Press Foundation, celebrated 26
By COLLEEN LONG and ern border. Together, they nying asylum to those who
ZEKE MILLER represent a major change circumvent legal pathways years free from addiction
Associated Press to immigration rules that will and do not first ask for asy-
WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi- stand even if the Supreme lum in the country they
dent Joe Biden said Thurs- Court ends a Trump-era traveled through en route
day the U.S. would imme- public health law that al- to the U.S.
diately begin turning away lows U.S. authorities to turn Instead, the U.S. will accept
Cubans, Haitians and Ni- away asylum-seekers. 30,000 people per month
caraguans who cross the “Stay where you are and from the four nations for two
border from Mexico ille- apply legally from there,” years and offer the ability
gally, his boldest move yet he advised. Biden made to work legally, as long as
to confront the arrivals of the announcement just they come legally, have
migrants that have spiraled days before a planned visit eligible sponsors and pass
since he took office two to El Paso, Texas,on Sunday vetting and background
years ago. for his first trip to the south- checks. Border crossings
The new rules expand on ern border as president. by migrants from those four
an existing effort to stop From there, he will travel on nations have risen most
Venezuelans attempting to Mexico City to meet with sharply, with no easy way
to enter the U.S., which be- North American leaders on to quickly return them to
gan in October and led to Monday and Tuesday. their home countries.
a dramatic drop in Venezu- Homeland Security officials Page 11
elans coming to the south- said they would begin de- Continued on Page 2