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Tuesday 21 January 2025
Sun catchers: The different lizards in Aruba
ORANJESTAD – Colorful reach adulthood, the igua-
or camouflaged, you’re nas can take on a grey or
bound to encounter a va- blue tone instead of the
riety of lizards basking in bright green displayed by
the sun or scurrying on their the young ones. In Aruba
way in our island. Aruba, – as in the rest of the King-
as a desert island, is home dom of the Netherlands
to an incredible variety of – the most usual color var-
unique and colorful spe- ies from green to lavender,
cies. Among them we can black and sometimes a
find different lizards, most The iguanas usually found reddish brown.
of which have South Ameri- in Aruba are the Iguana
can origins. But there are a iguana, known as the Yuwana is a protected spe-
few exceptions. green iguana, or locally as cies, as it is listed under Ap-
Yuwana. The Yuwana are pendix II of the Convention striking lizards in Aruba, rec- fruits, and occasionally en-
Iguanas a mostly herbivorous spe- on International Trade in En- ognizable by the male’s joy some insects. They are
Iguanas are easy to spot, cies, and can grow up to dangered Species (CITES), bright blue color. The Aru- selective in which plants
as they are larger than 2 meters in size, including meaning that international ban whiptail lizard, Cnemi- they eat, because of the
most other lizards and the tail, making them one trade is regulated through dophorus arubensis, is a toxins present in many
when young, have a bright of the largest in the iguana the CITES permit system. species endemic to Aruba, available plants species.
green color that makes family. As you will see, de- In the past, Arubans used meaning you can only find The Kododo help take care
them stand out. spite their name, as they to eat a popular Yuwana it here on our One Happy of Aruba’s vegetation by
soup, as it was believed to Island! They are also recog- playing a significant role in
To my wife Renee, give strength and help re- nized as the most common the dispersal of seeds for
store health – probably due and populous lizard on the certain plants: when they
Happy Birthday! to the protein boost it deliv- island. While the male is eat fruit, they excrete the
blue with white dots, the seeds in diverse locations,
ered. However, it is now ille-
gal to catch, kill, buy or sell female is brown with blue contributing to the repro-
Yuwanas in Aruba, and this dots. duction cycle of our local
I know how much you enjoy spending includes eating them! plants.q
your birthday here in Aruba. I am so These charming lizards eat
glad that we share this time together. Blue Kododo mostly plants, such as flow- Images: Some images are from
These are one of the most ers, nectar, leaves and Aruba Birdlife Conservation.
Dining in? Try making a local favorite
How to make “pan bati”
(Oranjestad)—If you’re ever up for an Aru-
ban snack, try making another Aruban
classic appetizer called Pan Bati. Similar
to a pancake both in appearance and
cooking, this is a super easy meal that
adults and children will both enjoy. Here’s
how to make it! consistency. If more moister is needed,
add some water until reached desired
Ingredients: consistency.
2 cups of all purpose flour
1 cup grams of fine cornmeal (we recom- In a hot pan with oil, pour in enough batter
mend the Harina PAN brand) to cover the bottom of the pan. Just like
2 tbsp baking powder pancakes, flip the pan bati when one side
1 1/3 cup of milk turns golden brown. When your pan bati is
1 pinch of salt ready, place on a plate and cover with a
2 tbsp of granulated sugar clean kitchen towel.
Oil for cooking
This year John and Renee Power are bringing along
their lifelong friends Phil & Pam Lavallee. It will be their Instructions: Traditionally, pan bati is cut in triangle
pieces, and is often eaten as a side dish
first time visiting Aruba. John and Renee has been Add all the dry ingredients in a bowl first, with soup, fried fish or stews. However, it
visiting Aruba for 10 years! Happy Birthday Renee, we
at Aruba Today wish you all the best! and stir until well mixed. Then add the milk is also casually enjoyed with some butter
and beat until reached a pancake-like and cheese on top! q