Page 4 - aruba-today-20241007
P. 4
Monday 7 october 2024
Death toll from Hurricane Helene rises to 227 as grim task of
recovering bodies continues
By BRUCE SCHREINER million contribution.
Associated Press Parton said she feels a close
FRANKFORT, Ky. (AP) — The connection to the storm vic-
death toll from Hurricane tims because so many of
Helene inched up to 227 on them "grew up in the moun-
Saturday as the grim task of tains just like I did."
recovering bodies continued "I can't stand to see anyone
more than a week after the hurting, so I wanted to do
monster storm ravaged the what I could to help after
Southeast and killed people these terrible floods," she
in six states. said. "I hope we can all be
Helene came ashore Sept. a little bit of light in the world
26 as a Category 4 hurricane for our friends, our neighbors
and carved a wide swath — even strangers — during
of destruction as it moved this dark time they are expe-
northward from Florida, riencing."
washing away homes, de- Walmart U.S. President and
stroying roads and knocking CEO John Furner said the
out electricity and cellphone company, including Sam's
service for millions. Club and the Walmart Foun-
The number of deaths stood dation, would increase its
at 225 on Friday; two more commitment and donate
were recorded in South a total of $10 million to hur-
Carolina the following day. Paul Shaver looks a a building destroyed in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene Saturday, Oct. 5, ricane relief efforts.
It was still unclear how many 2024, in Newport, Tenn. Associated Press In Newport, an eastern Ten-
people were unaccounted nessee town of about 7,000,
for or missing, and the toll holds affected. will help people with their shocked mountain towns residents continued clean-
could rise even higher. So far North Carolinians have immediate needs, as well hundreds of miles inland ing up Saturday from the de-
Helene is the deadliest hurri- received more than $27 mil- as displacement assistance and far from where the storm struction caused by Helene's
cane to hit the mainland U.S. lion in individual assistance that helps them if they can't made landfall on Florida's floodwaters.
since Katrina in 2005. About approved by the Federal stay in their home," she said. Gulf Coast, including in the Mud still clung to the base-
half the victims were in North Emergency Management She encouraged residents Tennessee mountains that ment walls of one Main Street
Carolina, while dozens more Agency, said MaryAnn Tier- impacted by the storm to Dolly Parton calls home. funeral home. The ground-
were killed in Georgia and ney, a regional administra- register for disaster assis- The country music star has floor chapel of another near-
South Carolina. tor for the agency. More tance. announced a $1 million do- by was being dried out, a
The city of Asheville, in the than 83,000 people have "It is the first step in the recov- nation to the Mountain Ways painting of Jesus still hanging
western mountains of North registered for individual as- ery process," she said. "We Foundation, a nonprofit ded- on the wall in an otherwise
Carolina, was particularly sistance, according to the can provide immediate re- icated to providing immedi- barren room.
battered. A week later work- office of Gov. Roy Cooper. lief in terms of serious needs ate assistance to Hurricane Newport City Hall and its
ers used brooms and heavy In Buncombe County, where assistance to replace food, Helene flood victims. police department also took
machinery to clean mud and Asheville is located, FEMA- water, medicines, other life In addition, her East Tennes- on water from the swollen
dirt outside of New Belgium approved assistance has safety, critical items, as well see businesses as well as the Pigeon River. Some of the
Brewing Company, which lies surpassed $12 million for sur- as displacement assistance Dollywood Foundation are modest, one-story homes
next to the French Broad Riv- vivors, Tierney said Saturday if you cannot stay in your combining efforts, pledg- along its banks were de-
er and is among thousands during a news briefing. home." ing to match her donation stroyed, their walls crumbled
of city businesses and house- "This is critical assistance that Helene's raging floodwaters to Mountain Ways with a $1 and rooms exposed.q
Death toll from Hurricane Helene
rises to 227 as grim task of recovering
bodies continues
26 as a Category 4 hurricane Helene is the deadliest hurri- next to the French Broad Riv-
and carved a wide swath cane to hit the mainland U.S. er and is among thousands
of destruction as it moved since Katrina in 2005. About of city businesses and house-
northward from Florida, half the victims were in North holds affected.
washing away homes, de- Carolina, while dozens more So far North Carolinians have
stroying roads and knocking were killed in Georgia and received more than $27 mil-
out electricity and cellphone South Carolina. lion in individual assistance
Paul Shaver looks a a building destroyed in the aftermath of service for millions. The city of Asheville, in the approved by the Federal
Hurricane Helene Saturday, Oct. 5, 2024, in Newport, Tenn.
Associated Press The number of deaths stood western mountains of North Emergency Management
at 225 on Friday; two more Carolina, was particularly Agency, said MaryAnn Tier-
By BRUCE SCHREINER recovering bodies continued were recorded in South battered. ney, a regional administra-
Associated Press more than a week after the Carolina the following day. A week later workers used tor for the agency. More
FRANKFORT, Ky. (AP) — The monster storm ravaged the It was still unclear how many brooms and heavy ma- than 83,000 people have
death toll from Hurricane Southeast and killed people people were unaccounted chinery to clean mud and registered for individual as-
Helene inched up to 227 on in six states. for or missing, and the toll dirt outside of New Belgium sistance, according to the
Saturday as the grim task of Helene came ashore Sept. could rise even higher. Brewing Company, which lies office of Gov. Roy Cooper.q