Page 14 - MIN TTC JULY 22
P. 14
Wednesday 22 July 2015
Acknowledged With Three Prestigious Awards:
Aruba Marriott Recognized For Excellence In Event Management
PALM BEACH - The Aruba Chairman Circle Award goal. Additionally, Ms. Fran- Ms. Franco – Franka played ally and in the region and
Marriott Resort & Stellaris recognizing her as the best co – Franka was award- a vital role in building and looks forward to another
Casino continuously strives top 1% Events leaders in ed the prestigious Global maintaining relationships successful year ahead.
for excellence and 2014 did the American Continent, Event Leadership Diamond with clients, which ultimate- About Aruba Marriott Re-
not disappoint. The resort competing with all proper- Award for her commitment ly leads to long-lasting rela- sort & Stellaris Casino:
has recently been award- ties within the continent in to excellence, her initia- tionships and repeat clients Aruba Marriott Resort &
ed with three prestigious terms of revenue and ser- tive for consistently going as well as a positive word Stellaris Casino boasts 411
recognitions for leadership vice excellence scores in- above and beyond for her of mouth. Moreover, as guestrooms -- the most
in Event Management; Re- crease compared to initial clients and the hotel, the a leader, she believes in spacious on the island --
gional Event Management outstanding results and for the development and ad- each with large, private
Excellence Award, Chair- elevating the hotel for fu- vancement of each team balconies overlooking lush
man Circle Award and ture success. member and is constantly landscape and the spar-
Global Event Leadership As the Director of Events & training her subordinates in kling waters of the Carib-
Diamond Award winner for Banquets, Ilaina Franco, is various areas and provid- bean Sea. On property,
CRN Hotels 2014. actively and continuously ing cross-training opportu- seven restaurants and ca-
The Events Team at the developing and formulat- nities. fes provide fare from light
Aruba Marriott was grant- ing strategies to ensure “I am extremely proud to elegant, while the larg-
ed The Regional Event that the Events & Ban- to be part of a team that est casino in Aruba, a 6,500
Management Excellence quets team is engaged loves what they do and do square-foot spa, free-form
Award for being recog- in all areas, including but what they love! Driving ef- swimming pool, the H2Oa-
nized as the best Events not limited to P&Ls, num- forts towards a common sis adults-only pool and
Department in the region, bers, and other related goal which entails focusing high-energy health club of-
based on increased reve- service scores. As a leader on brilliant service but most fer entertaining diversions.
nue by up-selling effective- she ensures that her team important a brilliant rela- To obtain more informa-
ly, high Associate Engage- is involved and on top of tionship with your team. We tion call the Aruba Marriott
ment Survey scores, best trending developments face all challenges togeth- Resort & Stellaris Casino at
customer service quality, in the events industry and er and we celebrate all 1.800.228.9290 or visit www.
contributing to the com- continuously seeking cre- successes together. Simply Con-
munity by participating in ative ways to introduce said in Events & Banquets nect with the Aruba Mar-
community service, and new concepts and ideas “Nos tur ta un”, shared Ms. riott’s official Facebook
continuously delivering by using images and vid- Franco – Franka. fan page by visiting www.
creative and innovative eos that set the tone for In 2015, Ms. Franco – Franka
events. interaction and a learning continues to be an exem- riott and follow on Twitter @
Ilaina Franco-Franka, Di- environment. Furthermore, plary leader both nation- ArubaMarriott.q
rector of Events & Ban-
quets, was presented The