Page 10 - KPA 7 NOV 2015
P. 10
AWEMainta Diasabra, 07 November 2015 31
By; Roland Peterson
My father”s fighting cock
(rooster) called “May”
IT WAS a Sunday in the year 1958. Shorthly after the weighing took place. My started to work immediately, on his rooster
Awaiting for sunrise I must have looked at father weighed “ May” It was 3 pounds and 12 and brought it back to life. Right away there
the clock about a hundred times finally it was ounces. Right after that Bud with his blue Dun were request to continue the battle.
getting lightsome. About two hours before cock weighed in also. Correctly my father refused to setback “May”.
there was a nice shower of rain that bore down It was 3 pounds and 12 ounces. That was a My father’s brother (our uncle) who was also
the dust. Right away the earth and the trees perfect match. Bud then turned to my father at the battle, then coaxed my father to setback
smelled different. and said; “How much are we fighting for? My May. My uncle once and for all wanted to get
My younger brother and I hurried to the St. father then said to Bud: “What ever you come the dangerous apponent out of the way .
Theresita Church for mass. About 8.30 AM we with we will match it.” Bud’s rooster could not stand up in the pit and
were home again. was rolling and rolling backwards all the time.
Bud and my father shuck hands to conform the Finally “May” could pin him down in a corner.
By now the reader is all excited about what battle. Now the steal spurs were placed on the “May“ who smelled blood neglected his guard
was taking place this Sunday morning. Well it feathered warriors and they were ready to do just once and fell about a 1/4 inch short of his
was In the air. This Sunday my father’s white battle. May had won four battles and the Dun target.
rooster “May” was going to do battle. Cock nine. The Dun cock which could not stand up, seized
My father had two fighting roosters, A little My father was not a “cock fighter.” On the the opportunity, grabbed “May” in the neck
white cock called Eddy, always with a broken other hand Bud was the best cock fighter on and killed “May” instantly.
tail and wing-feathers (It was my father’s the island.As a handler he could bring back
nightmare to get Eddy ready for battle) and seriously hurt roosters to life. Suddenly the gutter became to small. The
a beautiful (except my mother) gathered in Knowing this my father still went to battle, thunder rolled in, the cliffs broke down the big
the old International Pick-up to go Rooi Hundo hoping that “May” would end the battle trees crumbled and my father refused to pay.
where the cock-pit was. quickly. He stated, that once you picked your cock out
Both Roosters were “one Beack” cocks, of the pit/ring, the battle was over.
At the home of mr. Magua we understood which meant that the rooster which had the Bud later admitted, that he was wrong and that
that the cock-pit was moved to in the gutter, first chance would end the battle. once he had retrieved his rooster, the battle
under a big quihi tree the place was cleaned After letting the roosters pick each other, to get was over.
out and a canvas ring was placed. We went to their adrenaline aroused , it was time to “set My father never again went to cockfight to do
the indicated place and tied “May”in the shade. to” , which meant the handler s had to leave battle with one of his roosters.
Some local cockfighters made sure they had the pit/ring. Both roosters sprang high up in Venerable of his honesty and perseverance
ringside places. The rooster “May” was named the air. In the air it seems that “May“ got the he was later appointed as a judge in the cock
after my mother May. My father trusted no one first chance, because the Dun cock dropped fighting.
with “May. down and started a death flutter around in On top of the cliff ,a man “fakingly” yelled,
Only my elder brother could foundle it. So he the pit/ring. ”POLICE,POLICE.
had the honor of carrying May to the cock-pit Right away Bud saw this and immediately In a minimum of time the gutter was forsaken
in the gutter. retrived his rooster. and very quiet.
Gutter was the name the English speaking The only thing that indicated that there was
population called Rooi Hundo. Today some In cock fight once you pick up your cock from cockfight in the gutter that morning, was the
50 years later some still use the name gutter. the ring the battle was over. Bud in this case canvas ring, that was left behind.