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A4   U.S. NEWS
                  Thursday 9 January 2020

            Fears of Sanders win growing among Democratic establishment

            By  STEVE  PEOPLES  and  AL-                                                           place  the  nation's  private  other progressive firebrand,
            EXANDRA JAFFE                                                                          insurance  system  with  a  was  a  stronger  candidate
            DES  MOINES,  Iowa  (AP)  —                                                            government-run  Medicare  who  would  cannibalize  his
            Increasingly  alarmed  that                                                            for All system.              support. With Warren's can-
            Bernie  Sanders  could  be-                                                            "You  have  to  take  Sen.  didacy  struggling  to  main-
            come  their  party's  presi-                                                           Sanders   seriously,"   said  tain  momentum,  however,
            dential nominee, establish-                                                            Bera,  who  has  endorsed  those assumptions are now
            ment-minded  Democrats                                                                 Biden.  "Those  are  going  to  being questioned.
            are  warning  primary  vot-                                                            be  tough  positions  for  our  "He  has  now  emerged  as
            ers  that  the  self-described                                                         members to run on."          somebody  who's  got  the
            democratic socialist would                                                             Montana  Sen.  Jon  Tester,  ability  to  win  the  nomina-
            struggle  to  defeat  Presi-                                                           who led the Senate Demo-     tion,"  said  former  Obama
            dent  Donald  Trump  and                                                               crats'  campaign  arm  the  aide  Ben  LaBolt,  who  isn't
            hurt the party's chances in                                                            last time Trump was on the  aligned  with  any  2020
            premier House, Senate and                                                              ballot,  warned  that  Re-   campaign  but  opposes
            governors' races.                                                                      publicans  "are  really  good  Sanders.
            The urgent warnings come     In this Dec. 13, 2019, file photo, Democratic presidential candi-  at making elections about  LaBolt  seized  on  what  he
            as Sanders shows new signs   date Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., speaks at a campaign event in   who's at the top of the tick-  called  Sanders'  short  list
            of  strength  on  the  ground   Manchester, N.H.                                       et."                         of  accomplishments  over
            in the first two states on the                                        Associated Press   "I come from a state that's  three decades in Congress.
            presidential primary calen-                                                            pretty damn red. There is no  Over that time, the senator
            dar, Iowa and New Hamp-      2020 field's moderate wing,  "People  in  establishment  doubt that having 'socialist'  wrote just a handful of bills
            shire,  backed  by  a  domi-  including  those  backing  Washington are terrified of  ahead of 'Democrat' is not  that  ultimately  became
            nant fundraising operation.  former  Vice  President  Joe  Bernie  Sanders,"  Weaver  a positive thing in the state  law.
            The  Vermont  senator  has  Biden,  former  South  Bend,  said. "The truth of the mat-  of  Montana,"  Tester,  who  "He's   more   concerned
            largely escaped close scru-  Indiana,  Mayor  Pete  But-  ter  is  their  centrist  tacking  has not endorsed any 2020  about  shouting  in  the  wil-
            tiny over the last year as his  tigieg  and  Colorado  Sen.  over the years has led us to  candidate, said of Sanders.  derness  to  make  an  ideo-
            rivals  doubted  the  quirky  Michael Bennet.             the place where someone  "He  can  overcome  that,  logical  point  than  getting
            78-year-old's  ability  to  win  In some ways, the criticism  like Donald Trump can get  but  I  think  it's  something  things  done,"  said  LaBolt,
            the  nomination.  But  less  is not surprising.           elected."                    he's going to have to do."   whose     communications
            than  a  month  before  Io-  Sanders  has  spent  de-     Less than four weeks before  Several   Sanders    critics  firm has done work for the
            wa's  kickoff  caucuses,  the  cades fighting to transform  Iowa's  Feb.  3  caucuses,  noted  that  he  has  largely  health  insurance  industry's
            doubters are being forced  the  nation's  political  and  Sanders' critics are making  escaped  intense  scrutiny  push  to  expand  Obama's
            to take Sanders seriously.   economic  systems,  creat-   a  concerted  effort  to  turn  throughout the campaign,  health care law, the Afford-
            Former  Chicago  Mayor  ing  a  long  list  of  political  up the volume.              in  part  because  some  as-  able  Care  Act,  at  the  ex-
            Rahm  Emanuel,  previously  adversaries along the way.  The ranks of the concerned  sumed  that  Massachusetts  pense of Sanders' preferred
            a  senior  aide  to  President  Many  people  connected  include  many  Democrats  Sen.  Elizabeth  Warren,  an-    Medicare for All plan.q
            Barack  Obama,  warned  to Hillary Clinton, for exam-     tasked    with   preserving
            Democrats  that  Sanders'  ple,  still  blame  Sanders  for  the  party's  majority  in  the
            status as a democratic so-   not  working  hard  enough  House  and  expanding  its
            cialist  and  his  unwavering  to  support  her  after  their  minority in the Senate and
            support  for  "Medicare  for  long and bitter presidential  governors' mansions across
            All" won't play well among  primary feud in 2016. Some  the country.
            swing  voters  in  the  states  Democrats still accuse him  California Rep. Ami Bera, a
            that matter most in 2020.    of  not  being  enough  of  a  leader  in  the  Democratic
            "You  need  a  candidate  team player.                    Congressional  Campaign
            with  a  message  that  can  Sanders'  chief  strategist  Committee's      "frontline"
            help  us  win  swing  voters  Jeff  Weaver  dismissed  the  program to protect vulner-
            in   battleground   states,"  growing  criticism  as  a  re-  able  House  members  this
            Emanuel  said  in  an  inter-  flection  of  the  strength  of  fall,  warned  that  a  Sand-
            view.  "The  degree  of  diffi-  his candidacy.           ers nomination would force
            culty  dramatically  increas-  He  raised  more  money  more  than  40  Democratic
            es  under  a  Bernie  Sanders  than any other Democratic  candidates  in  competitive
            candidacy. It just gets a lot  candidate in the last quar-  districts  —  most  of  which
            harder."                     ter — virtually all of it from  were carried by Trump four
            The increasingly vocal con-  small-dollar  donors  —  and  years ago — "to run away
            cerns  are  coming  from  a  he's  considered  a  legiti-  from the nominee."
            number  of  political  vet-  mate  contender  to  win  Specifically,    Bera   cited
            erans  tied  to  the  Obama  Iowa  and  New  Hampshire  Sanders'  signature  health
            administration   and    the  next month.                  care plan, which would re-
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